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Super Mario World Hacks → Mahogen

Submission Details

Name: Mahogen
Author: marleymm
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 17 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: Mahogen!

This is my first hack, it took some work. Feedback would be nice.

Mario's ship gets wrecked by some Big Boo's. One thing left to do. Take Revenge!

11 extis - any%
17 exits - 100%

9 hidden portrait rooms

Fast retry is enabled, L/R scrolling disabled.

I hope you have fun playing this hack!
Tags: music
Comments: 21 (jump to comments)
4.8 (14 ratings)
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Comments (21)

Hiroki Link
super fun hack! at the special world castle i had a lot of issues trying to get over the last room but at the end i enjoy the hack a lot.
Great job marleymm
Zonic Link
This hack is amazing @marleymm. Could you please let me know whats the song of the level "Deathly Swamps"? I would love to know :)
BallisticAristocrat Link
This was a blast to play! Looking very much forward to more from you Marleymm :)
marleymm Author Link
Originally posted by anolito
Great game #smw{:TUP:} what's the name of the song in 2-1 emerald caverns? can't get it out of my head

Glad you enjoyed it!
Here you go:
anolito Link
Great game #smw{:TUP:} what's the name of the song in 2-1 emerald caverns? can't get it out of my head
VolleytheBall Link
Fun game, except for the special world, I little bit silly in my opinion, but It's good practice for Invictus. Thank for making this hack!
TheRestingBird Link
Love it <3
SteamyPanini Link
Fun hack! #smw{:TUP:}
B2De Link
This was a very fun playthrough, super chill beginner friendly any%. The 100% steps it up slightly in the difficulty. Overall, it's well balanced, looks great, definitely has replay value. Awesome work! #smw{:peace:}
Worl Link
This game was a ton of fun. Great Job. 10/10
MCB Link
Fun hack. Looking forward to more.
StacheAttack Link
This hack was so much fun! It was the perfect level of difficulty too.

Thanks marleymm!
thundachunky21 Link
The flow of the levels is great. The hack is super fun. Love seeing what it's evolved into.
Fryinb Link
Tons of Fun! Cant Wait For More!!!!!
GiraffeKiller Link
I played this through twice and I'm gonna do it again. Absolutely LOVE this hack. Outstanding work.
blackhart Link
Really great job, lots of fun. Can't wait to see more from you!
Wolfguy423 Link
Great hack! Please give this one a try, I wouldn't call this easy but it is fun. #smw{:TUP:}
SuperBeastGN Link
This hack has something for everyone, easy enough for beginners and challenging levels in the late game for the hardcore kaizo fans! Amazing work, can't wait to see what's next.
Evil_Abed Link
Nice beginner hack! :)
OnlySpaghettiCode Link
I tend to like a lot of fun, simple platforming so I really enjoyed this hack. I think this hack is very suited for beginners, with a nice, smooth difficulty increase towards the later levels. Great first hack! #smw{:TUP:}
 shovda Link
This is a really, really fun hack, and I believe it's one that'd be suitable for beginners or someone looking for a relaxing time. I cleared it in about an hour for moderation, if that helps you gauge the difficulty as well.

My only minor concern with any of the levels/setups is that, in the second section of "Motorhouse," that first koopaling you jump up to from the saw might be one tile too high. I adjusted quickly enough, but I worry about actual beginners to kaizo coming to that setup. That said, it's at the beginning of the section, so you get lots of tries.

Ohterwise, the only thing I noticed is cutoff on the overworld (mismatched tiles that ruin the verisimilitude of the setting. The hills in the special world having the shadow cut off on the their bottom tiles is a good example. Another one is the random extra event stuff when you clear the any% castle. Ultimately, the hack is wonderful and that kinda thing doesn't makke a good ahck bad, but just a heads up.

Also, I adjusted the exit count to 17. The switch palaces don't crush or trigger an event on the overworld when you clear them, so the game does not count them as exits.

Just some minor, nitpicky stuff. The overall experience was A+.