Name: | Mura World |
Author: | TheMURAmatsu |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 6 exit(s) |
Type: | Kaizo: Intermediate |
Description: | I decided to recreate my first approved Kaizo at SMWCentral. As it was my first Kaizo, I decided to reformulate it after almost 3 years, and as I got more knowledge of creation, I believe that this version is much better and attractive. Hack short for fun. Good fun. Update 1.2 Level 1 - Lock to not press P (POW) outside the indicated location. Level 2 - Change of beginning and replaced the spinys with mushroom to avoid cheese. Added a troll at the end. Level 5 - Corrected the Rex descent after pressing ON / OFF. Modified Overworld. Please remove your "save slot" and start a new one. ____ Decidi recriar minha primeira Kaizo aprovada na SMWCentral. Como foi minha primeira Kaizo, decidi reformular após quase 3 anos, e como obtive mais conhecimento de criação, acredito que esta versão esteja muito melhor e atrativa. Hack curta para se divertir. Boa diversão. Atualização 1.2 Level 1 - Bloqueio para não pressionar P (POW) fora do local indicado. Level 2 - Mudança de início e substituído os spinys por cogumelo para evitar cheese. Adicionado um troll no final. Level 5 - Corrigido a descida do Rex após pressionar ON/OFF. Overworld modificado. Por favor, remova seu "save slot" e inicie um novo. |
Tags: | music vanilla |
Comments: | 8 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
246.35 KiB | 983 downloads
Comments (8)
Update 1.2
Level 1 - Lock to not press P (POW) outside the indicated location.
Level 2 - Change of beginning and replaced the spinys with mushroom to avoid cheese. Added a troll at the end.
Level 5 - Corrected the Rex descent after pressing ON / OFF.
Modified Overworld. Please remove your "save slot" and start a new one.
Atualização 1.2
Level 1 - Bloqueio para não pressionar P (POW) fora do local indicado.
Level 2 - Mudança de início e substituído os spinys por cogumelo para evitar cheese. Adicionado um troll no final.
Level 5 - Corrigido a descida do Rex após pressionar ON/OFF.
Overworld modificado. Por favor, remova seu "save slot" e inicie um novo.
After the answer of the post that previously, I verified a mistake on my part in some levels. And that really is totally the opposite of what I had said.
I'm reissuing my note too. 5/5
Level 1: In this part, this red block that in this case would be to throw the shell is unnecessary, since you can jump and wait for the rock to fall and kill it and move on.
Level 2: I liked this two koopas setup, it's not a cheese, but from my point of view, and you can test later, put a blue koopa, if it doesn't work out, it won't have any problems.
Level 3: I believe that only one koopa in the middle of these two will reach the other side of the abyss.
Level 4: Same as level 3. An enemy is only needed.
Level 5: I found a cheese right there, just under the block. Use the muncher's Foreground to cover the bottom of the block.
Level 6: Has this jump been tested? Because I tried on all the pixels, and was unsuccessful in it. So leaving it impossible to pass that part.
Partial Note: 4/5
Adriel, obrigado pela nota e feedback.
No nível 1, esse bloco vermelho é para quando matar a pedra e quebrar o bloco amarelo, ele automaticamente cair na lava e morrer. Se eu retirar, basicamente ele voltará e matará o discoshell...
No nível 3, eu facilitei utilizando 2 koopas, pois essa parte já é tensa para alimentar e crescer o Yoshi. Devido a esse fator sequencial, utilizei 2 koopas pra não retardar o time e ter altura e tempo de pular sobre o Pokey.
Tudo foi devidamente testado por mim e por beta testers, inclusive, em stream também. Foi atualizado por algumas vezes até chegar nessa atualização atual final.
A hack possui pulos e carpados controlados. Se pular ou carpar num time errado, consequentemente você morrerá ou perderá a plataforma seguinte.
Desde já, grato pelo feedback.
Compreendido. Obrigado pela resposta...
Level 1: In this part, this red block that in this case would be to throw the shell is unnecessary, since you can jump and wait for the rock to fall and kill it and move on.
Level 2: I liked this two koopas setup, it's not a cheese, but from my point of view, and you can test later, put a blue koopa, if it doesn't work out, it won't have any problems.
Level 3: I believe that only one koopa in the middle of these two will reach the other side of the abyss.
Level 4: Same as level 3. An enemy is only needed.
Level 5: I found a cheese right there, just under the block. Use the muncher's Foreground to cover the bottom of the block.
Level 6: Has this jump been tested? Because I tried on all the pixels, and was unsuccessful in it. So leaving it impossible to pass that part.
Partial Note: 4/5
Adriel, obrigado pela nota e feedback.
No nível 1, esse bloco vermelho é para quando matar a pedra e quebrar o bloco amarelo, ele automaticamente cair na lava e morrer. Se eu retirar, basicamente ele voltará e matará o discoshell...
No nível 3, eu facilitei utilizando 2 koopas, pois essa parte já é tensa para alimentar e crescer o Yoshi. Devido a esse fator sequencial, utilizei 2 koopas pra não retardar o time e ter altura e tempo de pular sobre o Pokey.
Tudo foi devidamente testado por mim e por beta testers, inclusive, em stream também. Foi atualizado por algumas vezes até chegar nessa atualização atual final.
A hack possui pulos e carpados controlados. Se pular ou carpar num time errado, consequentemente você morrerá ou perderá a plataforma seguinte.
Desde já, grato pelo feedback.
Level 1: In this part, this red block that in this case would be to throw the shell is unnecessary, since you can jump and wait for the rock to fall and kill it and move on.
Level 2: I liked this two koopas setup, it's not a cheese, but from my point of view, and you can test later, put a blue koopa, if it doesn't work out, it won't have any problems.
Level 3: I believe that only one koopa in the middle of these two will reach the other side of the abyss.
Level 4: Same as level 3. An enemy is only needed.
Level 5: I found a cheese right there, just under the block. Use the muncher's Foreground to cover the bottom of the block.
Partial Note: 4/5