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Nightmare cafe

Super Mario World Hacks → Nightmare cafe

Submission Details

Name: Nightmare cafe
Author: Lush_50
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 0 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Beginner
Description: Mario went out for lunch!

This hack contains 69 singular screen kaizo rooms.
Contains custom backgrounds, music and much more!
Overall difficulty is intermediate.
The hack is great for practice of certain tricks aswell.
Cheesing the hack is highly encouraged as I'm all about thinking outside of the square.

Welcome to the chaos that is, Nightmare cafe.

- Some cheese fixed up.
- A few set ups rearranged.
- The muncher that was not in the correct place in v1.0

Notes :

- Save your midways at the save house.
- There can be multiple ways to complete some rooms.
- I'm aware of most of the possible alternate routes.

If you happened to find a game breaking instance in this hack, please write a comment.

All the best!

- Lushious fifty.
Tags: kaizo light
Comments: 27 (jump to comments)
4.3 (14 ratings)
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Comments (27)

Zephelt Link
I enjoyed this a lot! A pretty different spin on kaizo that still felt doable for a beginner. The difficulty does tend to spike randomly throughout rather than follow a regular progression, but not a big deal overall. 5/5!
Good hack, rooms can feel a bit empty at times but this is a very promising start and I'm assuming it gets better from here. Can't wait to play the rest, excited to play this series.
Transreznor Link
Not a fan.
Tripii Link
Fun little hack! A good series to mix in with your standard Kaizo hacks. The one tile precision jumps will help you on those final obstacles at the end of standard Kaizo levels.

GLHF #smw{:peace:}
sL0Thiie Link
love that hack and im going to beat all of them! :D but i need to know what that soundtrack is brother
Super Nikuworld Link
this hack is a nice challenge! some rooms are a bit hard for a beginner but i still like it! some of the music was a bit strange and doesnt fit in. but thats a personal thing....

overall good hack!
movax_13h Link
Really enjoy the single screen challenge/puzzle genre and these were a lot of fun.
Bullrunfarms Link
Excellent hack! This is one of the first hacks I've played. If you're new, I recommend this! Some rooms are extremely hard, but the levels are so well put together I couldn't put my controller down! Although some are extremely hard, they teach you valuable skills needed for many hacks!

sL0Thiie Link
i have a question i installed and patched several hacks on smw(USA) and they worked fine but this one and every other made by Lush_50 wont work, Flips tells me "This patch is not intendet for this ROM"
can anybody help me with that?
TheKazooBloccGosh Link
This hack is uncaringly made, which is worse than being unpolished!
The rooms difficulty and gimmicks are randomly ordered! Like the hardest room is room n°13! (
Double shell jump
) Some rooms are super easy!
Thanks to 1-room checkpoints, the gameplay wasn't as bad as it could be.
Btw there's 71 rooms, not 69, nicen't. #smrpg{ohno}

Oh btw the remains of old level in most of the rooms slows the instant retry...

Rating: 3-/5
Easy but not recommanded to beginners
Danik2343 Link
Good Hack! Walkthrought:
hcwdy Link
Very fun, very lush, very fifty.
BoomBeatle3 Link
just finished Nightmare Cafe II, so far loving this series. One of the best I have played! Thank you for making these.
mariolover Link
As a beginner in kaizo gameplay wich i counting me to this is a perfect way to train some of your skills! Good Work Lush.
kaitri Link
i played them in reverse order for whatever reason, but i think giving a more in depth statement on the first hack is the smartest.

overall id say hack 1-7 are the same. some rooms feel too easy, others feel kinda hard. overall a fun experience doable for everyone.
very enjoyable indeed.
the biggest issue if you play them in a row like i did is you'll realize that every hack has a bunch of similar rooms (which is to be expect but if you play 10 hacks in a row, youll realize it way more).

i think hack 8-10 were "different" idk what it is but those 3 i give 5* while 1-7 i give 4*.

i really recommend trying these out especially 8-10
pixlrik Link
A fun collection of one screen puzzle rooms, difficulty varies to keep you on your toes. All in all a very fun hack. #smw{:TUP:}
rextep Link
Decently fun all things considered, some rooms feel thrown together without much thought tho
panpolypuff Link
Super fun hack! I'm noob-ish, having only completed Quickie World 1&2. Very accessible, and balanced - difficulty spikes once in a while depending on your strengths, but enough variation to limit frustration.

Jordan Link
Super fun! #smrpg{y}
TokZone Link
cool #tb{^V^}
TheGremlin Link
This was a neat short experience! Liking the one-room format a lot, some really cool ideas and tricks in there, and the trolls had me cackling :)
marathonx Link
Pretty quick kaizo hack, all of the rooms were really creative. It only took maybe 40 minutes overall, so not too difficult but a really good way to get your kaizo fix without busting your chops.

Great job!
BooTheBun Link
Super fun one screen hack. Not too hard. Thanks Lush. :)
JezJitzu From older version: Nightmare cafe Link
Fun chill little challanges. Great short bit of fun #tb{^V^}
Noob From older version: Nightmare cafe Link
I love position 69 and this hack. Ahh how delicious, man !!!
Agade From older version: Nightmare cafe Link
69 lol funny number, great hack btw
BooTheBun From older version: Nightmare cafe Link
Wonderful one screen hack! Pretty short and easy. Play it. Thanks Lush. :)