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Song Title


    Bowser's Furious Fugue

    SMW Music → Bowser's Furious Fugue

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    Submission Details

    Name: Bowser's Furious Fugue
    Author: VecchiaZim
    Insert Size: 0x0EA6 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Many
    Source: Original
    Duration: 3:31
    Featured: No
    Description: Epic organ/percussion thing, based on the SMW motive (so remix maybe?). Definitely a castle/lava/World 8 vibe. Could also be a bad ending credits track.
    Tags: airship boss castle credits dark final fire tense
    Comments: 9 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (5 ratings)
    No rating
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    Comments (9)

    Smibbix Link
    Coolest SMW theme remix ever made
    Janno27 Link
    Originally posted by Ultima
    Honestly, all that this really needs is better samples, since the quality and timbre of a lot of them (especially the timpani and snare) aren't up to snuff IMO; but otherwise yes, very good composition haha, always wanted to make something like this (since I love Castlevania music, and the baroque style along with the clever fusions of other genres is always something I liked about it; plus neoclassical metal taking a lot from it as well I guess lmao), so this certainly inspires me to do something like that at one point as well :P

    in my opinion, the craftmanship of this piece is far beyond what I would expect in a "neoclassical metal" style.
    Ultima Link
    Honestly, all that this really needs is better samples, since the quality and timbre of a lot of them (especially the timpani and snare) aren't up to snuff IMO; but otherwise yes, very good composition haha, always wanted to make something like this (since I love Castlevania music, and the baroque style along with the clever fusions of other genres is always something I liked about it; plus neoclassical metal taking a lot from it as well I guess lmao), so this certainly inspires me to do something like that at one point as well :P
    Janno27 Link
    This is one of the coolest things on this site! I love Bach, kinda inspires me to pick up smw music again some day
    VecchiaZim Author Link
    Thanks man. Definitely taken some music theory.

    Originally posted by brickblock369
    This sounds so good :O
    Are you classically trained???
    ExxorD Link
    This... this is amazing! :D
     icrawfish Link
    Unexpected, but very welcome nonetheless! You did a great job of replicating Bach's fugal style and applying that to an otherwise familiar tune to make a legitimately engaging composition. Definitely the kind of content this site could use more of!
    HamOfJustice Link
    Results are in, survey says: this rules
    brickblock369 Link
    This sounds so good :O
    Are you classically trained???