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Super Mario World Hacks → Orcus

Submission Details

Name: Orcus
Author: Jordan
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 25 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Beginner
Description: Orcus must be stopped!

Restore the Bridge and bring an end to his evil reign.
This hack features 25 exits across three worlds and aims toward shorter sections focused on platforming. Difficulty would fall roughly as an advanced-beginner/lower-intermediate. All secret exits/levels are optional and just there for fun and 100% completion.

Some other features include:
• Retry System
• Custom Graphics
• Custom Music

I hope you enjoy it and have fun!

• Various graphical updates for clarity
• Some trick adjustments to loosen or make more clear
• Overworld speed increased
• Minor ASM tweaks for better functionality with a few custom elements
• Other minor changes and tweaks to hopefully increase overall enjoyment of the hack
Tags: exgfx kazio music
Comments: 61 (jump to comments)
5.0 (27 ratings)
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Comments (61)

chloyster Link
Really fun hack!! Inspired me to finally make an account to post about it.

This beginner hack really helped me hone some of my skills I think. When I got to the shell level that starts with the double, I initially scoffed and figured I wouldnt be able to do it. But after a bit of messing around, I was finally able to start doing it consistently. Learning to do that double has also made my normal shell jumps incredibly consistent, I very rarely miss them now.

I've been working my way through a bunch of beginner hacks and after completing this I am thinking of taking on some intermediate ones!

Edit: forgot to mention, that disco shell secret level with the shell that bounces along the lava was the only part of the hack I didn't enjoy. It felt like a fluke when I finally got it to cooperate the way I wanted it do. 5/5 though all around
Henrique98 Link
Kaizo maravilhosa e divertida demais
griffinlobster Link
One of the most beautiful and well-crafted hacks I've played, simple as that.

If you're reading this and you haven't played, do it. You are one 5-Star review closer to Orcus.
Great hack. Fits high beginner difficulty pretty well. The secret exits were great, clever, but not outrageous.
Absurd3729 Link
Very fun hack. The levels are challenging for a beginner, but they have a good flow and I enjoyed the grind. Power tip: control the bubble by *holding* jump. I was mashing way too long before figuring that out.
PixelPadlock Link
To date, this is my favorite hack. It's full of really cool setups and engaging level design, but still very approachable for new players. I like everything Jordan makes (even if it's not all right), but I always return to this one for a chill playthrough.
Tripii Link
Beautiful aesthetics, well made levels for beginners, banging OST. What's not to love? 5/5

GLHF #smw{:peace:}
Cavalarrr Link
Just cleared as my 10th hack, and made an account specifically to recommend.
Very fun level design, occassionally tricky, but always felt fair. Great aesthetics and music. Will definitely be checking out your other work.
Thanks for the great hack!
Gr4yl3r Link
Just finished it. Really great hack but man, you showed me with that shell level that I really need to work on my shell jumping skills.
Dangil Link
I very recently started my kaizo learning and finally had the chance to play this hack. The moment it started it became clear to me I was in for a nice and comfy ride. I loved every minute of Orcus and it became a favorite right away. If you are a beginner in kaizo and you feel your skill is starting to improve, I absolutely recommend you to play this game. Setups are fantastic, everything flows nicely, the difficulty curve is smooth and appropriate, and no level feels out of place. It is also a joy to watch and listen to, all style choices are perfect. Simply amazing
Galux Link
Great kaizo hack for beginners like my self
SkeetsMcGrew Link
The beach level with the torpedo can lick my sea-salty sack. But otherwise, great hack, visually lots of cool variation and the sections are tough but fun. Except the beach level. Have I mentioned yet I hate the beach level? Well I do
Hamsterlovin Link
This game was a ton of fun! Definitely recommend it. Did a playthrough of the game, minus the bonus levels.
MellowYouth Link
coming back to this hack after playing your others, i do think this is your "better" game.
lots of polish on the level design that feels more fleshed out, and the secrets are cleverly placed.

really enjoy this hack and its an easy recommendation,
looking forward to more from you! #smw{:peace:}
movax_13h Link
Really enjoyed the this hack, every level was fun, zero frustration.
Pyaku Link
This is my first non-tutorial Kaizo and I am having so much fun working through the levels.
alibabagaming Link
What a great hack by Jordan. clean setup. smooth flow, nothing over challenging.

cant wait to play your next one!
 DonWafle Link
Orcus was one of the first Kaizos that i played, and also the first one that i atempted speedruning.

This hack is an absolute masterpiece, one of the greatest games, and i mean GAMES of all time to me.
Arakida Link
This hack is absurdly fun. It highlights everything fun about SMW platforming in an aesthetically pleasing and coherent package with a great soundtrack. Just a complete delight the whole way through.
lubeeji Link
Fantastic hack!
Neuromancer Link
Fun hack!
ItsNanachi Link
One of my Fav. Hacks ! Nice Lvl´s and Beginner friendly <3
Frandolorian Link
This my favorite hack I played in 2021. Is there a full track list of the music used available somewhere?
SaintforHire Link
Awesome! 100%. Love platforming so this hack was perfect for me.
hcwdy Link
Fun, cute hack! Wonderful aestetics. I appreciate how you incorporated tricks most other beginner/intermediate leave out. Great stepping stone for anyone's kaizo journey.
GiraffeKiller Link
Somehow, this hack slipped under my radar and I didn't play it until just these past couple days. Man. You killed it! This is amazing. I will say, though, your choice of secret exits can be annoying. Other than that, amazing hack. I hope you make 100 more.
0fn Link
gud 24/29
PatrykMlodejki Link
Awesome! I'm so glad that i did 100% cause these secret Stages were even better
kurb kid Link
good fun with the spiky shells and then even the disco ones!
IrishHammer12 Link
This is probably one of my favorite hacks aesthetically speaking, the overall vibe of the game is awesome. The soundtrack slaps. Overall great freaking hack Jordan...big fan of your work. My only suggestion, is in my experience, the final boss did not scale well. It took me less than 5 min to beat him first playthrough. Two thumbs way up for this romhack.
tonicgin Link
This hack is very good. Thanks!
ShadowBoxer_Sandshrew Link
Super fun. Great setups. Very enjoyable platformer. On the upper mid range of beginner kaizo difficulty. You will get a lot of shell experience with this hack.
nomorecows Link
This hack was by far the most fun I’ve had playing Kaizo. Unique levels, fun music and nothing too challenging for a beginner. Only struggles were optional exits
Kaiz0bro Link
Awesome hack! I had a lot of fun with this one. The final boss was a little tedious but it didn't take too long to beat. Each level felt fresh with very well made setups. I liked the little structures at the end of each level after the goal, they gave a sense of unity to the whole hack which was a great detail. This was an easy 5/5 for me. I hope to see more from this creator soon.
UFrozenO Link
Good hack#thp{=D}
Rivka Link
I really enjoyed this hack, especially the Rap Snitch Knishes overworld music. Very fair difficulty spikes throughout, including the secret exits.

Looking forward to whatever you make next.
callmedoor Link
Very cool hack. A lot of neat setups. A few setups I had not seen before, but were clever twists on common ones. I agree with the author and GlitchCat on the difficulty. If you've beaten Quickie World and are waiting to hone your skills before another more difficult hack, this is up your alley.

One note on this: The secrets upped the difficulty a bit when you find them, so be wary. I do not know if this is intentional, but some of the secret rooms took me a bit longer than I anticipated.

Great hack. High recommend.
troyfullbuster Link
Thanks for the awesome pack and amazing music! Can't wait for your next one!
 GlitchCat7 Link
This hack is really fair and fun, I'd recommend it specifically to players looking for something in the "Quickie World" zone of difficulty. A lot of cool, smoothly executed ideas. Don't let this one fly under the radar, I think it's worth your time.
Not_Vinicius1 From older version: Orcus Link
Very fun hack, loved it!
Evil_Abed From older version: Orcus Link
Nice chill hack! :)
ZX497 From older version: Orcus Link
Very enjoyable platforming, accessible to Kaizo newcomers as well.

Some issues with aesthetics, in particular falling platforms being marked with an arrow just like rising platforms, which made it difficult to distinguish between the two on the fly. I got also pretty fed up at doing the same exact basic shelljump for the 15th time in this hack.

Otherwise, no major complaints, most of the levels have an amazing flow to them.
hey_its_me_bub_bub From older version: Orcus Link
I'm 23/25 levels completed, with just a couple of the secret exit levels to complete. Very fun to play, maybe a little harder than the Quickies, but accessible for new kaizo players. I especially liked that it had a few more shell jumps than most beginner hacks.

Great job, Jordan
orka-bln From older version: Orcus Link
Very fun hack with nice aesthetics!
rextep From older version: Orcus Link
Interesting romhack
Neuromancer From older version: Orcus Link
Fun hack!
Mithrillionaire From older version: Orcus Link
Really enjoyed this one! This was the first hack I've knocked out start-to-finish in one go. It's on the easier side of kaizo, and is just plain fun. Good flow, solid platforming, readable and fast-paced throughout. Great aesthetics and overall theme. The hack does well with its chocolate assets, not going too far or making things unintuitive.

Good job. Fun game. 5/5
Wuddl From older version: Orcus Link
I don't usually write reviews on hacks, but I do so on this one because it was probably one of the best kaizo hacks I've ever played. The levels flow very well and the graphics are great aswell. It's not too hard, took me around 2 hours to play through. Huge recommendation!
 Amethyst From older version: Orcus Link
I don't play a lot of 25 exit hacks left wanting more. Fun, not too difficult, easy-to-read obstacles. This was absolutely delightful, thank you. <3
om_nomnom From older version: Orcus Link
I love this hack, had so much fun with it that I ran it right back, and I think it's going to be my next speed game. 5/5 hack, I think this would be a great one to play after the Quickies/before Akogare. It's very approachable and forgiving, while throwing a few new, tougher tricks that would challenge kaizo beginners.

I did discover something while practicing levels that may be noteworthy for Jordan:
Once you hit the switches at the end of each world they disappear. If you play a switch level more than once there is no way to complete the level, so whenever you re-enter the levels you will be stuck in the boss room until you reset your console. It's a pretty minor thing and only applies to people practicing levels on a completed save file but I figured it was worth passing along.
Worl From older version: Orcus Link
This was a fun hack. The shell level may of been a bit harder then the rest but still very do-able. Great Job.
Gabriel_Master From older version: Orcus Link
Muito divertido de jogar, talvez um pouco mais difícil do que os Quickies, mas acessível para novos jogadores de Kaizo. Eu gostei especialmente que ele teve mais alguns saltos de shell do que a maioria dos hacks de iniciante.
Hack 5/5
mmBeefStew From older version: Orcus Link
Really cool hack! I really enjoyed all the levels (I was worried about one of them but it was fun as well). I think this is a great hack to play if you're looking for something harder than QW 1 and 2 but nothing too crazy. 5/5 great job!
neidoodle From older version: Orcus Link
very enjoyable. As a beginner every level does take me a good while, but it´s always fair. Good choice of graphics and great music, too.
TheTaze From older version: Orcus Link
Really fun! I think the description is accurate, difficulty felt right around advanced beginner. A good challenge for a player looking to move up from the easy/beginner kaizo hacks. Fair & well made levels - great job Jordan!
NaxciS From older version: Orcus Link
Is a very fun kaizo!! Very good 10/10
41681 From older version: Orcus Link
Very fun, had fun, play this its fun 10/10 was fun
slopcore From older version: Orcus Link
Great hack. Overall fairly easy. Full of fun, readable obstacles. Definitely approachable for newer players as well.
B2De From older version: Orcus Link
This was super fun! Looks great, sounds great, has great flow. Nice chill hack. Recommended to all walks of kaizo players. Not painstakingly hard for beginners, and a kind stroll for the seasoned folk. Good stuff #smw{:TUP:}
OnlySpaghettiCode From older version: Orcus Link
Really fun hack! Thoroughly enjoyed this one. It's a pretty beginner-friendly hack, so if you're new to hacks, you should definitely check this one out!
I also very much enjoyed looking for the secrets in this one. They were well hidden, but very fair as well. I'm not sure why some people want secrets to be blatantly obvious these days.
placeholdertest From older version: Orcus Link
Fairly fun, nothing super complicated. Pretty standard setups with occasional new ones.
Secrets are extremely hidden and very difficult to find.