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Stationary Reuseable P-Switch

SMW Blocks → Stationary Reuseable P-Switch

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Comments (17)

 Major Flare Link
Tested With: Lunar Magic 3.31, ZMZ 1.08, GPS 1.4.21 and SA-1 1.40.

Updates checked and accepted.
solgaleo35 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
I tried inserting it and it won't be pressed when I stand on top of it. What is happening? Am I supposed to set the act as to something?
 Anorakun From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link

Try the new version that is in the waiting queue.
 RussianMan Link
the changelog has been updated, but in short:
-SA-1 compatibility
-mwl file and other stuff for easier insertion
-a few new features
MegaSonic1999 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
I saw the readme file, but it doesn't say anything about turning the sprites into coins when using the silver p-switch.
MegaSonic1999 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Originally posted by MegaSonic1999
The stationary silver P-switch doesn't turn custom sprites into coins. How do I fix that?

I think it's not working with any sprites at all.
 Anorakun From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Originally posted by JackTheSpades
I removed the mwl file because it is blood unnecessary. For submissions like your screen scrolling pipes, I can understand and appreciate including an mwl file, as it helps to clear things up. Here though!? All it does is one screen showing the two blocks being placed in a level. I honestly don't think you have to state the obvious. If it was for some complex exanimation then maybe, but we're talking about a two frame long animation here.

Yeah? It may be simple for you, but for people starting at SMW Romhacking, having a sample level to insert blocks would help them a lot. I disagree with this decision and it's quite unfortunate that nobody updated this block with a mwl...
MegaSonic1999 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
The stationary silver P-switch doesn't turn custom sprites into coins. How do I fix that?
EmuGamer From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
sa1 support?
gamerjohn1991 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Reminds me of the ones from SMB3...
JackTheSpades From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Ok, nice block and all but please consider a few things from now on.
  1. As Vitor said, you don't need to "update", "re-update", "update 2" and whatever as your blockname. We can tell it's an update simply by the obsolete field which gets filled if you use the "submit update" function.
  2. I removed the mwl file because it is blood unnecessary. For submissions like your screen scrolling pipes, I can understand and appreciate including an mwl file, as it helps to clear things up. Here though!? All it does is one screen showing the two blocks being placed in a level. I honestly don't think you have to state the obvious. If it was for some complex exanimation then maybe, but we're talking about a two frame long animation here.
  3. Your god damn readmes. Look, it's great that you include a bit of an "howto", but when your readme is longer than any of your ASM files, you're doing something wrong.
    As a programmer, it is usually well advised to assume the end-user is an idiot. They will without a doubt find ways to abuse or break stuff in ways you didn't anticipate. HOWEVER, you don't have to teach them how to do EVERYTHING.
    If people don't know how to insert custom graphics, or setup exanimation, you are better off pointing just pointing them to a tutorial instead of explaining everything yourself. You are burying the actual important information under tons of (possibly) redundant tutorials on how to do basic stuff.
    File list and version history... sure, if you want to but I honestly think you are just wasting your time writing them up for such small scale stuff like this. When I opened the zip, I immediately saw 3 blocks, 1 palette+mask + an ExGFX file for the graphics and whatnot. Nothing that really warrants an in-depth explanation.
    Keep your readmes short and to the point. Sometimes less is more. People often get scared off by 200 lines long readmes and don't bother looking for the 10 lines that actually contain the information they need. Sure, if something has a bit of a more complicated setup, go ahead and explain stuff, but don't bother including tutorials on ExGFX and animation when you can just write two lines with links to actual tutorials here on the side.
    For example, in this readme, stuff like the information about leaving air between the upside down switch and the ground because you can glitch through or the yoshi block is about everything that is really relevant, no?
  4. While not really a problem, I feel like pointing out that you could also make these a two in one block if you want to, similar to how the exit enabled pipe tiles work from both directions because they always expect the other side to be blocked anyway. You DON'T HAVE TO make it like this, after all, it would then no longer be possible to put the block on tiles that can be accessed from below.
  5. Lastly, the whole "updating" thing in general. Please PLEASE only submit updates if they are really necessary. Not just because they can save 2 bytes and some cycles. It takes me some 10-15 minutes to moderate a simple update like this, because I "simply" compare the new to the old files and see what's changed before testing them in GPS. Plus another 15 for writing an in-depth comment like this.
    I (and probably most other moderators too) would really appreciate not having to moderate a whole block pack again and again because it saves 2 bytes or is 10 cycles faster. It usually depends on how much is saved relative to the total code. <Q> 10 byte long code that can be reduced by 2? <A> Sure. <Q> 500 byte code that can be shortened by 2? <A> Do I really have to bother with this?
Vitor Vilela From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
You don't need to add (re-update) to your submissions. We know that you're updating something when there's Obsoletes: <insert old name> here. So it's redundancy and unneeded posterior staff work.
Rykon-V73 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Never mind. I did something wrong. Thanks, GHB.
HammerBrother Author From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Did you match the p-switch type with the exanimation trigger?
Rykon-V73 From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
I found a glitch:
If you press the blue switch or the silver one while the switches are at the same screen, the pressed P-switches will show their un-pressed state, until the timer finishes.
HammerBrother Author From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
It was easy, open the palette, turn on palmask and disable. Never worry about other colors taken.
JackTheSpades From older version: Stationary reuseable p-switch Link
Thanks for adding palmask.
Much appreciated.