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South Point Hotel

Super Mario World Hacks → South Point Hotel

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Comments (8)

Really cool hack with great puzzles. If you like kaizo and puzzle solving, this is a must play.
IkeSMB Link
Lovely hack with puzzles that always felt satisfying to solve. I think my favorite bit was a set of two rooms on floor 5, one with
a throw block + shell + breakable block
and another with
the exact same setup but with the throw block replaced with another shell and a 100 point difference in the required score
. The two very similar looking rooms had quite different solutions, which reminded me of Baba Is You.
MinecraftGamerLR Link
I wonder where you got the Yoshi's Island title font.
will___ Link
This was a lot of fun. The puzzles were creative and satisfying, and generally pretty easy to execute. And score based challenges allow you to include some unique obstacles that would be difficult to force in any other hack.
 Alex Link
I'm so glad to see this hack now submitted and approved. It is really fun and pretty well made. Clearing all the rooms feels rewarding as the player progresses.

ZX497 Link
Very fun puzzles! I'm glad there was some leeway, a couple of them really stumped me.
TheKazooBloccGosh Link
Very fun puzzle hack, I enjoyed (almost) all of it! #smw{:TUP:}
I wish there's a 100% bonus completion.

Rating: 5/5

Question about room 5-9:
Is the player supposed to shell jump ?
 Heraga Link
I enjoyed the Lateral Thinking required to complete this hack.