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Simple Walljump

SMW Blocks → Simple Walljump

Submission Details

Name: Simple Walljump
Author: xhsdf
Act As: 130
Includes GFX: No
Description: Simple wall jump block used in Super Foo World. Some people asked for this.

- Block will activate even without the player holding against the wall
- will launch the player quite far if dpad is neutraled
- preserves type of jump (normal, spin, duck)
Tags: jump lorom sa-1 wall jump wall kick
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
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Comments (3)

Createfunyt Link
Nice descriptions!!! Is an block while you play kaizo if you jump this block, that's useless.

xhsdf Author Link
Don't drink and drive comment on SMWC
 Maarfy Link
This is indeed a Simple Walljump block. There are no frills here whatsoever. This block has no special checks to prevent jumping off the same wall over and over, it doesn't care if you're carrying something, or on Yoshi, or spinjumping, or ducking, or flying, or underwater - if you are off the ground touching the side of this block and you press A or B, you will jump.

Accepted, because that could be just the thing you need.

While there are still plenty of optimizations that could be made, what I'd most like to see in an update is a pair of simple defines to set the wall jump X and Y speeds. Having to scan the patch to find and change all three values isn't very user friendly.

Tested with Asar 1.81, Lunar Magic 3.31, SA-1 1.40, Snes9x 1.59.2, BSNES Accuracy 0.7.1, GPS 1.4.3.