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Mario's Grand Adventure v1.4

Super Mario World Hacks → Mario's Grand Adventure v1.4

Submission Details

Name: Mario's Grand Adventure v1.4
Author: Apple Boy
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 40 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: Welcome to the Fungus Islands! Bowser has given up trying to kidnap Princess Peach (for now), and his son, Bowser Jr, has set his sights on the Fungus Islands. Mario and Luigi, being on vacation there, naturally, have to stop Bowser Jr's plans. Can the brothers stop the Colonization of the Islands?
Tags: chocolate mario's grand adventure
Comments: 41 (jump to comments)
3.8 (4 ratings)
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Comments (41)

BricioTV2 Link
Si, ya me di cuenta hay muchas personas diciendo cosas pero no, personalmente me gustó muchisimo el juego, gracias y espero que sigas creciendo, suerte!
BricioTV2 Link
Me encantó el juego, ya lo termine todo, es un increíble juego y aunque los jefes fueron un poco difíciles pude superarlos, gracias :).
Apple Boy Author Link
¡Gracias por disfrutar el truco! ¡No es frecuente que la gente vaya tan lejos como para decir algo tan bueno como eso!
Hyperlord Link
Never came past the first boss, quite sad
Apple Boy Author Link
I know you can get past it, I believe in you!
MorteTorment Link
My thoughts on this game. It was fun, not a lot of fun, but it was fun. Nothing about it really sticks out for me outside of the cameos, and as a result it did seem like it sorta wore out its welcome a bit, but it was never boring.

If I were to give this an arbitrary score, I'd give it a 6.5/10. Pretty good, but I never wanna play it again.
Hacks Are Unfair Link
Hi. IMO, 1st real boss shouldn't be in world 1. It shouldn't be in a Standard Normal hack category either.

It's R&G based, and designed to leave you nowhere to stand to attack him. Sometimes you stomp on him, and you bounce instead of giving him a hit, and anything can make you get shot or touched by him, and start the fight all over with no powerup.

For a Normal player, that's designed to make you spend a lot of time only on that fight, which isn't fun to deal with in a 40-exit level. I mean, you haven't got past world 1 yet. :_(

FrankFortune Link

I had fun with the hack. I liked the aesthetics and music chosen for the levels.

When I saw Kirby as a miniboss I audibly laughed.

As others have said there a few blind jumps in the game, and unfortunately this lead to me dying. The first instance being the first boss room, I jumped straight onto a projectile that was fired as I was in midair. The other couple instances were in levels that lead to pits or lava.

I agree with Silent Nyle's minor criticism about the checkpoints/power ups in castles. Some of these checkpoints only have two jumps before the boss door anyways.

One in particular that annoyed me was not having a checkpoint before Bowser Jr, so if you die you have to play the level over. It feels disrespectful of the player's time.

I would have liked more power ups in the levels, but I understand the scarcity given the length.

Like I said, I had fun with the hack, those are just the criticisms I had.
Dolphin_412 Link
Hello bitches, I would like to say that this game is a s**t for the first boss of the first map not Kirby the main one in the world 1 that son of his mother is too difficult, I did three game overs, #tb{:(} because of that stupid boss I hate him, I must say that it is a good game but that boss made me impossible as a beginner in that game
KaidenThelens Link
This is the greatest comment on the site.
 Retro Master HD Link
Did you put the Special World back in the Hack.
Apple Boy Author Link
I did.
edwinmusic Link
Apple Boy Author Link
 BeeKaay Link
- There's a lot of lag throughout the game in places where there isn't much going on. Is FastROM enabled?
- This hack has a lot of blind jumps. At first they're harmless but later on they begin to kill you, culminating in this jump, which is probably the hardest in the game.
- The mechanic where you press down to clip through a ledge killed me multiple times, because I like to jump while ducking.
- It would have been nice to have a save prompt at the end of world 7. Even though the player can save anytime, all the other worlds have save prompts at the end, so having one at the end of the last world is a reasonable expectation.
Apple Boy Author Link
FastROM is indeed on. I wanted to change the ledge mechanic back to the 1.3 version of down and X at the same time, couldn’t figure it out. Sorry!
Apple Boy Author Link
Originally posted by rafaelfutbal
Nice hack! 👍
I beated it in a row (for the second time) while collecting all dragon coins. \o/


Level "2-2 Acrio's Temple" = Impossible to get all 5 dragon coins without a cape.

Level "3-1 Snow Drift Field" = Unnecessary long pit.

Level "6-F Junior's Castle" = Lil Sparky's movement is bugged. A check point on this level would be appreciated.

This hack doesn't save your progress after beating the 7th world. You could fix it.

PS: The hack "Mario's Grand Adventure 2" there will be a level upgrade too?

Check out my full playthrough:

So, you can save the game by pressing select, which is how the game normally saves files. I don’t see MGA2 getting an update anytime soon.
rafaelfutbal Link
Nice hack! 👍
I beated it in a row (for the second time) while collecting all dragon coins. \o/


Level "2-2 Acrio's Temple" = Impossible to get all 5 dragon coins without a cape.

Level "3-1 Snow Drift Field" = Unnecessary long pit.

Level "6-F Junior's Castle" = Lil Sparky's movement is bugged. A check point on this level would be appreciated.

Level "Coin-6 Goombaina Ruins" = What exactly is it?

PS: The hack "Mario's Grand Adventure 2" there will be a level upgrade too?

Check out my full playthrough:
Dolphin_412 Link
well in 2-2 you can get to that coin if you run and use the spinjump, well I'll explain: you run from the stairs to where the floor doesn't break, jump and hit the B button and you will do a kind of spinjump in the air and you will arrive
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by Silent Nyle
Mario's Grand Adventure is an hack that, in my opinion, every casual player should play. It's an simple, but enjoyable experience. Levels are looking great, level design is solid. The difficulty curve is lenient but consistent. Pacing is, for the most part, great. Most of the boss fights are solid, altough the final boss is a bit polarising. It is a bit too easy in my opinion.

The first minor issue I have is that this hack will, more oftenly than not, put you before a boss fight, without having a checkpoint near the entrance (justifiable, castle levels are quite short). I don't agree with letting the player go into the boss fight, without giving him any power ups though. In my opinion, before the boss entrance doors, the game should give you atleast 1 extra powerup to make the upcoming fight atleast a bit less frustrating. Also, if the players really want a power up, they can simply get it by just revisiting the previous stage, farm the powerups, and return to the castle. This is all my opinion though, if the author thinks this is the better way, then all power to him.

The single biggest issue I had with this hack was the Thwomp boss. Every time he hits the floor, he can spawn the fireball like enemies (I do not know their official name). The issue is, if you do not have the cape, you cannot kill these fireballs, and since thwomp can spawn multiple of them if you're unlucky, the room will get flooded by them. If you do not have a cape powerup with you, you're pretty much dead. I died several times at this boss fight, trying to beat him without using the cape. My suggestion is to simply remove thwomp's ability to spawn those fireball enemies and replace that with something else. It just makes the fight borderline impossible to win, if the player does not have the cape. Or atleast give him a cape powerup in the boss room.

Other than that, there were not any notable issues I can think of while I was playing this rom hack. Every casual player should play this rom hack. It's short, it's simple, and it's worth it.

Not a cape, it's the Racoon Suit from SMB3! I have no clue what to do about the Thwomp boss, as I did not make him.
Silent Nyle From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Mario's Grand Adventure is an hack that, in my opinion, every casual player should play. It's an simple, but enjoyable experience. Levels are looking great, level design is solid. The difficulty curve is lenient but consistent. Pacing is, for the most part, great. Most of the boss fights are solid, altough the final boss is a bit polarising. It is a bit too easy in my opinion.

The first minor issue I have is that this hack will, more oftenly than not, put you before a boss fight, without having a checkpoint near the entrance (justifiable, castle levels are quite short). I don't agree with letting the player go into the boss fight, without giving him any power ups though. In my opinion, before the boss entrance doors, the game should give you atleast 1 extra powerup to make the upcoming fight atleast a bit less frustrating. Also, if the players really want a power up, they can simply get it by just revisiting the previous stage, farm the powerups, and return to the castle. This is all my opinion though, if the author thinks this is the better way, then all power to him.

The single biggest issue I had with this hack was the Thwomp boss. Every time he hits the floor, he can spawn the fireball like enemies (I do not know their official name). The issue is, if you do not have the cape, you cannot kill these fireballs, and since thwomp can spawn multiple of them if you're unlucky, the room will get flooded by them. If you do not have a cape powerup with you, you're pretty much dead. I died several times at this boss fight, trying to beat him without using the cape. My suggestion is to simply remove thwomp's ability to spawn those fireball enemies and replace that with something else. It just makes the fight borderline impossible to win, if the player does not have the cape. Or atleast give him a cape powerup in the boss room.

Other than that, there were not any notable issues I can think of while I was playing this rom hack. Every casual player should play this rom hack. It's short, it's simple, and it's worth it.
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by PlatformPanda
Cute little hack my friend! I dig it <3

Aww...thank you! #smw{^_^}
PlatformPanda From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Cute little hack my friend! I dig it <3
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
So...Simpleflips is playing my hack...I...feel like I might pass out...
 Retro Master HD From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by Renegade763
hey AppleBoy i tried BSNES and got to World 2 then there was no sound when i got to it. and and i tried to start the first level of World 2 and it froze. and to answer your question Segment1Zone2 i am using the newest version of SNES9x i got it from there site

I never had that problem when I played the whole Hack through on my WII, and I use SNES9X GX Emulator and I didn’t come across a single problem once. 😐
Renegade763 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
hey AppleBoy i tried BSNES and got to World 2 then there was no sound when i got to it. and and i tried to start the first level of World 2 and it froze. and to answer your question Segment1Zone2 i am using the newest version of SNES9x i got it from there site
 Segment1Zone2 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by Renegade763
can anyone tell me how to get to world 2 cause after beating world 1 the screen just goes black and stays that way i am using SNES9x emulator does anyone have any options besides ZSNES or RetroArc casuse i don't care for them i am on PC thanks have a nice day/night

If you're using an older version of Snes9x (Pre 1.60), update it. I don't think that older versions of Snes9x work with this hack.
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by Renegade763
can anyone tell me how to get to world 2 cause after beating world 1 the screen just goes black and stays that way i am using SNES9x emulator does anyone have any options besides ZSNES or RetroArc casuse i don't care for them i am on PC thanks have a nice day/night

Well, there's always BSNES.
Renegade763 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
can anyone tell me how to get to world 2 cause after beating world 1 the screen just goes black and stays that way i am using SNES9x emulator does anyone have any options besides ZSNES or RetroArc casuse i don't care for them i am on PC thanks have a nice day/night
 Retro Master HD From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Very amazing Hack the levels were well made and the music choice was really good as well, also what exactly happened to the special world. Other than that really amazing Hack. #tb{:]}.
 Retro Master HD From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by Renegade763
hey AppleBoy i am playing through your hack and on world 1 level 1-4 Tower Outbreaks one of the toad coins the one that is above a bit of water that you jump into there is no way to get back out after you get the coin you need to put some kind of block there to be able to get out cause you cant jump high enough to get back out cause you made the platforms to high hope you can make a update to this game to fix it and thanks for making it glad to see one that is not a kaizo hack for a change goodbye and have a nice day/night

Did you try wall jumping because you can do that in this Hack. #tb{:)}.
Renegade763 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
hey AppleBoy also the game is broken after you beat the first castle the game goes to a black screen then won't go any further i am using SNES9x emulator to play it goodbye and have a nice day/night
Renegade763 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
hey AppleBoy i am playing through your hack and on world 1 level 1-4 Tower Outbreaks one of the toad coins the one that is above a bit of water that you jump into there is no way to get back out after you get the coin you need to put some kind of block there to be able to get out cause you cant jump high enough to get back out cause you made the platforms to high hope you can make a update to this game to fix it and thanks for making it glad to see one that is not a kaizo hack for a change goodbye and have a nice day/night
dingleberry85 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Was looking for a normal difficulty hack. I was absolutely loving it. Played the first secret boss, which was awesome. Then I got to castle 1.

I played it at least 40 times and never once got past "hitting" him once. I'm still not sure how to trigger the hit. Anyway, I quit before I got frustrated. I'm not the best Mario player in the world, but I'm pretty good and unless he was glitched out, I think the difficulty of that boss is wrong.

I saw in your text file that you wanted feedback. The main thing would be the difficulty curve of that first boss is way too much. I really was loving your hack though, so if I'm just missing something or being a dumb dumb, just let me know and I'll head back to it.

Edit: based on other peoples comments, I seem to be the only one stuck on this boss. When I attempt to hurt him, I just jump through him and when I shoot fire at him it goes through him. I'll try more when I get home to see if I'm doing something wrong.

Edit 2: When I got home I was able to make contact with him. I haven't a clue what happened earlier.
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by BenMineTanooki_

BenMineTanooki_ From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by NatsuFireball
A very cool first hack, I really enjoyed it =]

Levels are quite short and difficulty is sometimes unbalanced (easy levels vs quite hard bosses, lack of power-ups (in some levels/castles, there's sometimes no power-up at all !))

I can see a "Dragon Coin" counter appearing to the left (golden mushroom icon) however them seem actually missing from the game ?

I must admit I don't really enjoy the inability of spin jump (in my mind SMW = spin jump ^^) and the fact that you get down one platform when ducking (when applicable). This is clearly a neat chocolate improvement but I think it doesn't fit very well in that sort of game (ducking should only be ducking), however might this be improved ? (like, say, ducking + pressing a certain button brings up the trick).

Level design is very pleasant and colorful (really enjoyed those statues in Acrio's temple, very clearly designed... with nostalgia showing up ! the same goes for Eddie later in the game =]), I also liked fast overworld walking, wall-jumps, pokey-defeatable sprite and blooper sprite (first time I've seen these two ^^)

For information, it seems that beating Castle PoPoPo doesn't count as an exit, and the first level of the final world is named "Volcano Volley", didn't you mean to name it "Volcano Valley" instead ? ^^

9/10 (5 stars) This is a very nice first hack, thank you =]

Thank you for giving my hack a go! How many other Video Game References could you spot? As for Volcano Volley, Volley is also a word. If I remember correctly, it means to throw something. Like a volley of cannonballs, or something. The unbalanced levels, I’m sorry about those. I’ll be submitting an update soon. The golden Mushroom Icon? Those are Shroomedalions. I forgot to implement them. Each level will have five of them, except for castles. I can’t believe I forgot about these things. The spin jump removal? That was to make the hack a bit closer to SMB3. Thank you for the 9/10, by the way!
NatsuFireball From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
A very cool first hack, I really enjoyed it =]

Levels are quite short and difficulty is sometimes unbalanced (easy levels vs quite hard bosses, lack of power-ups (in some levels/castles, there's sometimes no power-up at all !))

I can see a "Dragon Coin" counter appearing to the left (golden mushroom icon) however them seem actually missing from the game ?

I must admit I don't really enjoy the inability of spin jump (in my mind SMW = spin jump ^^) and the fact that you get down one platform when ducking (when applicable). This is clearly a neat chocolate improvement but I think it doesn't fit very well in that sort of game (ducking should only be ducking), however might this be improved ? (like, say, ducking + pressing a certain button brings up the trick).

Level design is very pleasant and colorful (really enjoyed those statues in Acrio's temple, very clearly designed... with nostalgia showing up ! the same goes for Eddie later in the game =]), I also liked fast overworld walking, wall-jumps, pokey-defeatable sprite and blooper sprite (first time I've seen these two ^^)

For information, it seems that beating Castle PoPoPo doesn't count as an exit, and the first level of the final world is named "Volcano Volley", didn't you mean to name it "Volcano Valley" instead ? ^^

9/10 (5 stars) This is a very nice first hack, thank you =]
Apple Boy Author From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Originally posted by jardeson01
your hack looks interesting i will play this hack#smw{^_^}

Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!
jardeson01 From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
your hack looks interesting i will play this hack#smw{^_^}
 1UPdudes From older version: Mario's Grand Adventure Link
Quite an enjoyable adventure.
Levels don't overstay their welcome which keeps the hack going at a good pace.

First Boss is a bit tricky for a first world boss but the rest of the hack has a rather decent difficulty curve. Plenty of work has been put into this hack so I recommend it if you want a more chill adventure with nothing too tricky to catch you off guard.