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Credits Utilities

UberASM Repository → Credits Utilities

Submission Details

Name: Credits Utilities
Author: Kevin
Type: Level, Game Mode
Includes GFX: No
Includes Hijack: No
Featured: No
Description: This UberASM provides some useful (optional) functions for when the player reaches the credits (which can be either the vanilla credits cutscene, or a credits sublevel they're teleported to or whatever):
- Mark the final level as beaten and increase the exits count.
- Run a (silent) event that will show as already run next time the OW is loaded (post-credits stuff?).
- Open a direction on the OW from the current level (probably best used in conjunction with the silent event).
- Change the current player's OW position (teleport back to the start of the game, or to a new map, etc.)
- Save the game.

See the ASM file for more info.
Tags: credits lorom sa-1
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
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Comments (2)

 MarioFanGamer Link
Moderated with:
  • Lunar Magic v3.33
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • UberASM Tool 1.6
  • BSNES v115
Disappointed that this doesn't allow you to go from The End back to the overworld (or at least the title screen) but either way, this is a practical UberASM code given the non-saving feature of SMW.

It should be noted that some of the features are usable for non-credits stuff like the warp feature, hence why the saving the game can be disabled (this flag really is only useful as a level code).

Suggestion: Remove the SRAM buffering for SRAM Plus as that will leave a lot of freeRAM in the $xxxx area.
Green Link
I’m wondering in what other ways does this differ from this patch?