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Kill Player on Sprite Contact

SMW Blocks → Kill Player on Sprite Contact

Submission Details

Name: Kill Player on Sprite Contact
Author: ninj
Version History: View
Act As: Any
Includes GFX: No
Description: A block that kills the player when a sprite touches it. This block will kill Yoshi if idle or running, but not if being ridden. Sprites that do not interact with objects, such as bullet bills wil not trigger death. Carryable sprites will trigger death even if being held.
Tags: kill lorom player sa-1
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
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Comments (4)

 Major Flare Link
Tested with: SA-1 1.40, GPS 1.4.4, Lunar Magic 3.31 and ZMZ 1.08.

Update accepted.
 Maarfy From older version: Kill Player on Sprite Contact Link
Very simple, but it works. I could see this being used as a fail condition with a kicked shell or runaway Yoshi puzzle, or maybe as part of some particularly dangerous kaizo shell jump setup.

Note that this block will kill if touched by Yoshi while he's idle or running away, but not if he's being ridden. Also note that any carryable item will trigger this block even if held by the player. Naturally, sprites that don't interact with objects will not trigger this block.

Tested with Asar 1.81, Lunar Magic 3.31, SA-1 1.40, Snes9x 1.59.2, GPS 1.4.3.
SJandCharlieTheCat From older version: Kill Player on Sprite Contact Link
JSL $00F606
ninj Author From older version: Kill Player on Sprite Contact Link