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8-directional cannon blocks pack

SMW Blocks → 8-directional cannon blocks pack

Submission Details

Name: 8-directional cannon blocks pack
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Act As: Various
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: These block contains 16 cannon blocks, each have their own 8 different direction (as for the other half of the group, would shoot mario automatically w/out a button), as well as 2 stopper blocks (see readme for which each is different) and a solid block that is only passable when mario is being launched (in cannon phase, which is useful of you don't want mairo to wander freely in the "cannon only" area).

when launched, mario will shoot in a straight line, so place them carefully.

The button based cannon are used if the player is waiting for enemies to get out of his way, the automatic ones are used for areas to blast mario from one place to another quickly.

They are similar to barrel cannon.

-Made Sa-1 Hybrid
-Made to work with UberASM Tool
-Moved a few defines over to cannon_defs.txt
-Added defines for the sound the cannons make
Tags: barrel cannon donkey kong country lorom sa-1
Comments: 15 (jump to comments)
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Comments (15)

Metal-Yoshi94 Link
It appears to be 8x8. Deceives the player, gives too much room to enter the canyon
Metal-Yoshi94 Link
Would a 32x32 version be possible?
BlueSheep123 Link
The hitbox of the cannon block is extremely small, making it hard to jump into and infuriating when you slip pass the hitbox. They're fine if you chain the launches together.

edit: I modified the x offset in the Collision12x16.asm and that fixes it, at the expense of a janky camera.
bald_ridge Link
Had a fun interaction between this and the quick retry. If you're launched and use start select to exit a level you enter the next level still in launch state. Which is hilarious when you start a cutscene just flying straight up LUL
 MarioFanGamer Link
Moderated with:
  • Lunar Magic v3.33
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • GPS v1.4.4
  • UberASM Tool v1.5
  • BSNES v115
Fixed bug where the rotating cannon will crash the game on BSNES and console (pro tip: Whenever you see an address like $7Exxxx or $7Fxxxx, please check if the code runs on SA-1 and call the SNES in doubt).

Through moderation I noticed that there are bugs with Yoshi where if you jump off him right before you enter, you're either stuck in the cannon or you get shot with Yoshi (there also is the fact that Yoshi gets hidden by the hide Mario flag, something which we are less in control of). This bug slipped through the last moderation which is why I decided to accept it.
Evernn Link
Thanks a ton!!!
MegaSonic1999 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
Man, there are a lot of blocks that needs to be updated!
Metal-Yoshi94 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
This patch only works with uberasm, it is a drawback since uberasmtool is currently used.
xbvg2000 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
Did someone was able to make this work? I am very thrilled to use this. I added the gamemode_14 in uberasm but it does not seems to work. Every time I get in the cannon is shoot right-down and then I can never enter it again. I also tried to put it in global_code with the same result.
Romano338 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
I guess the reason it's not working is that there is no main/init/... label in the UberASM file. Unfortunately, I don't know what to put where.
jona255 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
error no me funcionan
TheOrangeToad From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
The uberasm file work with uberasm tool.
 RussianMan From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
These custom blocks are super good and i like them!
Also, i'm 100th downloader?! Oh, nevermind.
anonimzwx From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
GHB please the next time when you upload something with a lot of things to test, please make an .ips to test it easier.
Mogu94 From older version: 8-directional cannon blocks pack Link
These are great