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No Score by Shell Kicked by Enemy

SMW Patches → No Score by Shell Kicked by Enemy

Submission Details

Name: No Score by Shell Kicked by Enemy
Author: Isikoro
Tool: Asar
Requires Free Space: Yes
Bug Fix: No
Featured: No
Description: If another enemy is killed by a Shell etc used by the enemy, the score will no longer be added.
If two Shell etc collide with each other, a score is awarded if one of them was used by Mario.
If the value of!1504,x is 1, it is considered an object used by Mario. It is initially 0 and becomes 1 if it is touched by Mario, spit out by Yoshi, or played by Mario himself or by the shell etc used by Mario.
If it is not something Mario can have, !1504,x has no effect.

When using with Cape Swing Combo or No Consecutive Score Awards, please apply them first.
Uses 1 byte of FreeRAM.
If you are using !1504 in your custom sprites, change its use RAM.
For a custom sprite that kicks the shell, add the process of setting !1504,y to $00 to the process of kicking the shell.
Tags: bob-omb bounce blocks disco shells goomba lorom sa-1 score shell
Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
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Comments (6)

 MarioFanGamer Link
  • Lunar Magic v3.34 v3.40
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • Asar v1.81
  • Cape Swing Combo
  • No Consecutive Score Awards
  • BSNES v115
This is definitively an interesting patch. Few really care about the points, so this patch is more useful with an arcade-like progression or a per-level hi-score à la SM3DW.

The only bugs I found were that bounce/quake hitboxes will overwrite each other. For example, if a blue Koopa and the players kick their shell at the same time at the same relative position to a ?-block and hit an enemy that way, you either get no or double depending on whether your shell is at a higher slot than the other. This is, however, frame perfect so the situations where it will happen are quite rare, you basically have to try to come across this bug.
Another shenanigan are shells dropped by an external factor like on ground which then disappears (e.g. brown blocks and a p-switch): Freshly spawned shells which haven't been touched by the player don't give the player when killing an enemy any score but when touched by the player, they're set to score for the player some points. Whether this counts as a bug or not is subjective.
Edit: What is a bug, though, is that shells shaken by an earthquakes don't grant the player any score if the player doesn't own them. This is basically an extension of the above but the earthquake is clearly caused by the player and not by an external factor.

Lastly, this may not work with custom carryable sprites thanks to the fact that they lack a piece of code which sets the "kicked by player" flag and may require some manual intervention.
HammerBrother Link
Mario no longer "steals credit" when enemies are hit by a thrown/kicked sprite
Isikoro Author Link
Originally posted by CalHal
If shells and other sprites were kicked only by the player to get scores, what about coins? I wonder if only the player can use the kicked sprites to collect coins using support from Erik's Shell-Collectable Coins and Yoshi/Dragon Coins? I wonder if it dose that in the official games like SMA4 and the NSMB games? I guess we will wait for this to happen soon.

Add the following code just below "shellCollect:".
		LDA !1504,x
		BEQ .return2

Add "!1504 = $1504" under "lorom".
Add "!15B8 = $15B8" under "sa1rom".

This will prevent coins from being earned by the shell kicked by the enemy.
CalHal Link
If shells and other sprites were kicked only by the player to get scores, what about coins? I wonder if only the player can use the kicked sprites to collect coins using support from Erik's Shell-Collectable Coins and Yoshi/Dragon Coins? I wonder if it dose that in the official games like SMA4 and the NSMB games? I guess we will wait for this to happen soon.
Isikoro Author Link
Originally posted by CalHal
Dose this patch also supports EternityLarva's Ceiling Buzzy Beetle / Spiny?

Please change the !1504 to other RAM. (!151C, etc.)
CalHal Link
Dose this patch also supports EternityLarva's Ceiling Buzzy Beetle / Spiny?