Name: | SMW Enemy Name Editor |
Author: | Colmines92 |
Added: | |
Operating System: | Windows |
Platforms: | SNES |
Games: | SMW |
Source Available: | No |
Featured: | No |
Website: | None |
Description: | Tool to edit the enemy names shown during the end credits. - Works both with headered/unheadered rom. - Supports names longer than the original. - Supports adding/removing names. - Supports editing the character table to insert new characters. (Table is created within executable folder when running the tool and it doesn't exists). Tested with an unmodified copy with/without head. |
Tags: | |
Comments: | 3 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
57.09 KiB | 201 downloads
Comments (3)
Minor usability note, this tool loads the full ROM and saves the full ROM, so if you make changes in LM or another program while having this open and then save again in this tool you will lose changes, would like to see an update where it only writes necessary changes, otherwise a useful tool!