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Song Title


    Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Zone (Past)

    SMW Music → Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Zone (Past)

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    Submission Details

    Name: Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Zone (Past)
    Author: bebn legg
    Version History: View
    Insert Size: 0x6D0 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Light
    Source: Port
    Duration: 1:20
    Featured: No
    Description: The energetic, life-is-good Past music from Stardust Speedway, and one of my favourite Past songs. Probably best known for its iconic HUEHUEHUEHUE sample, which is also in this port, in its uncompressed glory. Fitting for happy and comfortable night stages.

    [2022/02/15] Update: Reported from scratch for better mixing, instrumentation that makes more sense, and pitchmod that's done with intention.
    Tags: abstract night sky town urban
    Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (1 rating)
    No rating
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    Comments (3)

    brickblock369 Link
    Really nice job. Though, I do think the open hi-hat instrument could be noise or a rapid series of @22s.
    Apple Boy Link
    God bebn your sonic ports are so good
    Zavok From older version: Sonic CD - Stardust Speedway Zone (Past) Link