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Song Title


    Shuusou Gyoku - Primrose Shiver

    SMW Music → Shuusou Gyoku - Primrose Shiver

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    Submission Details

    Name: Shuusou Gyoku - Primrose Shiver
    Author: bebn legg
    Insert Size: 0x0786 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: None
    Source: Port
    Duration: 1:01
    Featured: No
    Description: Milia's theme from Shuusou Gyoku.

    It's a short and tense song befitting an early-game boss. It is teeming with early-2000s ZUN composition flavour.

    Rushed out in 4 or so hours the night before Winter C3 2023, hehe.
    Tags: abstract airship athletic boss carnival fire industrial mountain sky snow temple tense
    Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (1 rating)
    No rating
    Download 34.04 KiB | 101 downloads ▶   Play SPC

    Comments (2)

    mariofan_171 Link
    This Sounds like Touhou
     Segment1Zone2 Link