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SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v2.0

Tools → SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v2.0

Submission Details

Name: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v2.0
Author: Lumy
Version History: View
Operating System: Windows
Platforms: SNES
Games: SMW
Source Available: Yes
Featured: No
Website: Link
Description: A multi-parameter converter for Super Mario World/SNES music porting, meant to be an utility tool to be used in conjunction with AddmusicK.

Was designed to replace an ordinary calculator program in most if not all functions related to SMW/SNES music porting.

SMPC is easy and fast to use. Just provide an input for a certain converter and it will instantly output the respective AddmusicK command or parameter, ready to be copied into the TXT/MML (if applicable). Every usable output features its own copy button to speed up this process. Click here to open an animated demonstration.

System Requirements:

- Supported operating systems: Windows 7 and onwards, 32 or 64 bits
- Minimum available storage space: ~45 MB (for both the .zip and its contents)

For other information, such as known issues and changelog, please check the readme.
Tags: addmusic music utility
Comments: 10 (jump to comments)
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Comments (10)

 Atari2.0 Pinned Link
Update looks good to me, fixes some minor qualms I had with the prior version and there are no obvious bugs. As such, I'll accept because it looks like a straight up improvements over 1.01.

Minor detail: this tool relies on the 32-bit version of vcruntime140.dll being installed on the system it's running on. This .dll may be missing on an absolutely clean install of Windows (almost all programs require it so it may already be present on your system being installed by something else), so if you're getting an error when opening the program about a dll missing, install the runtime following this link

Tested on Windows 10 22H2 (19045.3271)
Lumy Author Link
Thank you for the moderation and the vcruntime heads up, totally slipped under the radar because, while the most critical machine -- the Windows 7 (32 bits) one -- I use for testing SMPC has been freshly formatted (and had Windows reinstalled), it did already have vcruntime installed because I grew the habit of installing it as soon as possible whenever I format a PC. I'll make sure to mention the requirement in the next update. #smrpg{y}
BlueToad07 Link
Incredible work! This streamlines a lot of things that I find tedious about porting, and I think this will be very useful going forward. thank you for making this!
monkey03297 Link
Suggestion: Add view the frequency response of a FIR filter.
Lumy Author Link
Hmmm... this is a bit out of scope for SMPC as it isn't exactly a formula conversion with a direct MML or BRR parameter output, but moreso graphical visualization of an effect. In other words, it doesn't relate to the "multi-parameter converter" purpose of the application. Considering that and the overall effort that would take to implement something I imagine very few people would find use, I'll have to decline the idea.

I don't know if VilelaBot is functional at the moment as I haven't used it in quite some time, but if it is, you could try using it for that purpose.
Notto From older version: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v1.0.1 Link
I have no idea how to use it!! What's the input field? The code would be displayed? Do I have to copy every note individually??? How to I turn things into .txt files??? I don't understand the readme. How do I add the .mml file??? #smrpg{sad}
Lumy Author From older version: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v1.0.1 Link
I see you are very lost. Okay, so, SMPC is, first of all, an auxiliary tool for porting music. Normally, the usual music porting process is: you find or make a MIDI of a song, open it in a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), such as FL Studio, make as many adjustments on the MIDI as you need, then either export it to convert it later into a raw MML file with PetiteMM, or transcribe it yourself manually into a TXT file. For the record, an MML file can be edited like any TXT with Notepad, and to convert it into TXT, all you have to do is just rename the file's extension or save the .mml as .txt with Notepad. In any case, you will end up with a file filled with MML note data. However, as you probably know already, music needs much more than notes to sound cohesive and good: volume, panning, tempo, note velocites, echo, staccato... these are only but some parameters that come into play when making and porting music.

Okay, so now you have an MML or TXT file with all the notes, but you still need to manually place all of the commands for these parameters yourself. However, you come into a problem: for example, you see in your DAW that the volume for a certain channel of your MIDI is denoted in percentage. However, you know that the channel volume command read by AddmusicK, the music insertion tool, is vXXX, where XXX is a decimal number from 0 to 255. So naturally, you come into the conclusion that, in order to write down the correct volume in your MML/TXT, you'll first need to convert the percentage from your DAW into a decimal number from 0 to 255. This is what SMPC does for you. You take that percentage, go to SMPC's Volume converter (the box that has "Volume" written in boldface on the top left corner), write it down in the input field (the borderless dark blue one where your cursor indicates that you can edit text and has a % label on its right) and then, automatically, SMPC will output the correct vXXX volume command you need to use in your MML/TXT (found in the first field with a light green border to the right of the input field, with a w / vXXX label above). For convenience, SMPC also provides a copy output button for this and other output fields, found above and to the right of the respective field. Clicking the w / vXXX's copy output button will copy the vXXX command displayed in the field, which you can then paste into your MML/TXT.

If the usage still sounds confusing, you can watch this animated demonstration and see if that helps.

Without SMPC, what you'd have to do is, first, know what formula is used to convert a parameter and, then, either use a calculator to manually do the conversion, or script the formula into Excel or a program of your own to do that for you. By just writing down what you need to be converted in SMPC and copypasting the output, you save a lot of time with all those calculations, which is why SMPC is "advertised" as the replacement of a calculator for music porting needs and hence its full name.

Obs.: PetiteMM has the option to convert some parameters, like tempo, note velocities and panning, when making an MML out of a MIDI, but it's limited on that regard and possibly inaccurate on some of those conversions. For example, as far as I know, the way it handles note velocity conversion is by just using a rule of three, which does not always generate correct values.
 Atari2.0 From older version: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v1.0.1 Link
All the generated values are correct and the tool has no glaring issues or bugs, everything works as advertised. LGTM.
Tested with:
Windows 10 22H2 (OS Build 19045.2251)
Paperdomo101 From older version: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v1.0.1 Link
Hey thanks for making this, it will really come in handy!
qantuum From older version: SMW Music Porter's Calculator (SMPC) v1.0.1 Link
Thanks for building this project, I am sure it will quickly become widely used!