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Super Mario Maker Styled Ice and Frozen Tile Blocks

SMW Graphics → Super Mario Maker Styled Ice and Frozen Tile Blocks

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario Maker Styled Ice and Frozen Tile Blocks
Author: AmperSam
Type: Original
Purpose: Foreground, Miscellaneous
Slots Used: BG3
Palette Row(s) Used: 6
Description: Various things-frozen-in-ice block graphics, as seen in the BLDC2 Baserom, for use with the Icy/Frozen Blocks Pack. (Note: it doesn't include graphics for every block in that pack.)
Tags: coin door ice block muncher note block question block yoshi coin
Comments: 1 (jump to comments)
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Comments (1)

TheXander Link
Good work, recommended for those wanting use it's in a ice cave themed level #smrpg{y}