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Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure

Super Mario World Hacks → Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure

This file is obsolete. The latest version is Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure. For other versions, check the version history.

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure
Authors: Bensalot, Nowieso
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 31 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: Merry Christmas Toads and Toadettes! It's the time of year where hollies and jollies run amock and as such another
Mario World Christmas Hack is born! Well sorta. What you will find here is a new edition of the previously released Super Mario World: Christmas Edition with added Just Keef flair!

Now you may thinking why should I bother with that?

Well this isn't simply a new coat of paint, this is a complete overhaul of Nowieso's classic original and transforms the entire experience into a Super Mario Christmas story that you will want to experience and share for generations to come! Enjoy not only the fun and playful level design that Nowieso once introduced us all to but enjoy all the new graphics, mechanics, bosses (both old and new tweaked to match the difficulty style of the game) additional levels, character selection (fully integrated character swapping), secret unlockables, animated cutscenes with a heartwarming
story ta boot, and more all SA1 enabled for a smoother more expansive experience brought to you by Just Keef (aka Bensalot)!

It is a short and sweet experience for the whole family to enjoy and can be beaten in a short amount of time making it the perfect "Night Before Christmas" tradition. So from both Nowieso and Just Keef, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Tags: character switching christmas enhancement sa1
Comments: 25 (jump to comments)
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Comments (25)

ChrisHamulak Link
Originally posted by AttentionDeficitDad
is your controller mapped properly to the second controller?

Yep, don't work with 2 joysticks
ChrisHamulak Link
There is a bug when plays with 2 players, the player 1 also controls the second player, the second control does not work. I tested in Snes9x and RetroArch
AttentionDeficitDad Link
is your controller mapped properly to the second controller?
Bensalot Author Link
This was intentional. It is supposed to eliminate the need for a second controller.
Keldon Link
The patcher says that the game isn't compatible with the Bps, is this not a smw hack or is it for a different game?
Green Jerry Link
Have you verified if your clean SMW ROM is actually clean with ROMclean?
Mariouser Link
Super Mario bros video
9 Hit The Start Button Link
Let's Want To Come Up With An Idea Where The Koopalings Are The One To Save Christmas From Wario
JulesTheDemon From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Oh. My. Gosh. I love this. I NEED a version of Just Keef with all four, it'd be delightful. ^v^
Bensalot Author From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Workin on it lol.
kvbriggs From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Follow up question. Can anybody let me know of other hacks allowing the player to swap characters on the map by pressing R? That was a really cool feature and I've never seen it in another smw hack before, nor has Google been all that helpful in my search for others. Thanks!
Bensalot Author From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Not likely. I spent almost a year and a half making that feature. Mario and friends allows character swapping but doing it from the map is new.
kvbriggs From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Wow, this was truly an incredible hack. Bravo. I'm searching for other hacks from both of you in about 10 seconds and hope I find some.
Blizzard Buffalo From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
This is so far my best experience when it comes for a short romhack.

Really, if there's 'Just Keef' in it, it will automatically be good!
Bensalot Author From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
What can I say? It's Just Keef baby ;-) lol but for real I appreciate that.
WeirdFungus From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
I love this hack. Was missing Christmas already and this was a great fix haha
Alexdroide177 From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
This hack is AMAZING! #smw{:TUP:}
PRBlaster From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
does anyone know the theme used for the castle stages? it sounds so good!

this hack is amazing! #tb{:DD}
MateusCarvalho590 From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
i love this hack.#smrpg{y}#w{<3}#smw{:TUP:}
Danielsonic 87 From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
When I hear the "Wario's Castle Theme" remixed I was skyrocketing!! BEST Christmas hack of all time!!

somdola From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
This was really wonderful. Aside from a couple of spots that were frustrating, I really enjoyed it.
You went above and beyond with the custom assets and character differences/abilities. Finding the hidden character really made me smile.
This might be one of the better hacks ever made for this game, so thank you for doing it.
Bensalot Author From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
Thanks for the positive feedback. I found the original version of this hack about a year ago and it helped me get through a rough christmas so I got inspired to add some flavor to really help it to shine. I was worried that Nowieso wouldn't go for it but the response I got when I asked for permission was very positive and honestly it made all the work that much more worth it. I hope you all enjoy it and remember there are plenty of secrets to find including another playable character.
jobvd From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
This is amazingly well polished hack
Mohamad20ZX From older version: Super Mario Bros - Merry Mountain Christmas Adventure Link
your style is still amazing my man hope you continue your just keef hack