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Rocky Wrench

SMW Sprites → Rocky Wrench

Submission Details

Name: Rocky Wrench
Author: Sonikku
Tool: PIXI
Type: Standard
Dynamic: No
Disassembly: No
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: A partial ASM port from Super Mario Bros. 3, so the behavior is more closely related to SMB3's than anything else.

This is the Rocky Wrench enemy from the Airship stages in SMB3, most recently seen in Super Mario Maker 2.

The enemy will occasionally pop up out of the ground and throw a wrench. If Mario is standing on top of where it pops up, he can technically use him as a platform.
When killed, it will respawn. The exception to this is if your hack is configured to turn enemies to coins with a fireball.

If the Extra Bit is set, it'll appear upside down. If the Extra Byte is set, it'll use a different palette and throw three wrenches in formation.

GFX included are of the Super Mario Maker 2 version.

Update History:
v0.10 (10/27/2020) - Initial release.
v0.15 (10/28/2020) - Fixed a crash in SA-1 when using the ThrowMethod of $00 (whoops!).
Blizzard Buffalo's Update:
Fixed the cape interaction hitbox.
Tags: airship enemy lorom mole sa-1 smb3
Comments: 11 (jump to comments)
5.0 (2 ratings)
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Comments (11)

Blizzard Buffalo Link
Originally posted by MarioFanGamer

It frankly was a bit longer in the section than it should have been given the permissions (I asked both the creator and submittor, the former claiming he doesn't really care — which ultimately makes this update acceptible —, the latter mention he got permission).

Apologies, I assumed that if Sonikku doesn't care, I would consider it as 'go ahead, you have permission but it's up to you'.
 MarioFanGamer Link
Moderated with:
  • Lunar Magic v3.40
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • PIXI v1.40
  • BSNES v115
Added Lunar Magic display (at the cost of PIXI support for versions before 1.40), changed the alternate palette to use the palette row instead of the raw values, modified Wrench to use a cape interaction which is more consistent with the vanilla sprites (less prominent puff of smoke).

A pretty simple sprite. The only issue I've noticed is that Yoshi isn't taken into account when stomping the enemy. Maybe adding in some checks whether the Rocky Wrench inside a block and kill it if it isn't (unless you enable bounce sprite interaction) would also enhance it a little.

It frankly was a bit longer in the section than it should have been given the permissions (I asked both the creator and submittor, the former claiming he doesn't really care — which ultimately makes this update acceptible —, the latter mention he got permission).
Blizzard Buffalo Link
Originally posted by Ice Man
This sprite still crashes when he's about to throw his projectile on SA1 when !ThrowMethod == $00.

To fix, go to line 255 and find
JSL $01ACF9|!Base2

Replace |!Base2 with |!BankB

Thank you! I've updated the files!
Ice Man Link
This sprite still crashes when he's about to throw his projectile on SA1 when !ThrowMethod == $00.

To fix, go to line 255 and find
JSL $01ACF9|!Base2

Replace |!Base2 with |!BankB
TheXander Link
Man, awesome sprite, recomend for those wanting make SMB3 Styled-Airships #smw{:peace:}
Amomario123w Link
sorry but it glitched when using the star, even if it is set to be "invincible with star/cape/fire/bouncing blk" in the CFG editor. i see that the problem is the "don't use default interaction with mario" option in the CFG, when you uncheck that box in the CFG editor it now becomes invincible to the star but sadly you lose the ability to use it like a platform when it rises from the ground even if you also unckeck the "invincible with star/cape/fire/bouncing blk" option it can be killed with the star without a glitch but as i said it loses the ability to be used as a plataform when rising from the ground. so in conclusion, with the "don't use default interaction with mario" option checked, it glitched and doesn't get killed with the star either with the "invincible with star/cape/fire/bouncing blk" check or unchecked.
zAce08xZ Link
Awesome! #smrpg{y}
CalHal Link
Is there an option where the Rocky Wrench will not respawn after killed?
Blizzard Buffalo Link
Yes, I think is set this from 01 to 00
!Respawn =	$00
Amomario123w Link
thnk you very much for this sprite, i've been watting for this sprite with this acuracy since i begin in my hacking on mario world
Blizzard Buffalo Link
Don't thank me, thank Sonikku ;)