Name: | HYSTERIA |
Author: | magianegra21 |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 14 exit(s) |
Type: | Kaizo: Intermediate |
Description: | This kaizo is made to be easy but not that easy, the music of the levels is mostly epic. In this update, the difficulty of some levels has been simplified and some backgrounds have been changed for some levels. This kaizo is dedicated to my favorite streamers Mancorsa, grenudogames, ROKE_GAMES05, RedFalkor and the community in general. I hope you enjoy it and don't get frustrated, if you pass it you are one step away from the intermediate kaizos |
Tags: | exgfx language music |
Comments: | 10 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
767.84 KiB | 1,067 downloads
Comments (10)
I do think there were some unintuitive setups, especially in a few of the earlier levels (the sticky fly in one of the early levels was straight up clunky), and as a result, the difficulty curve of the hack is kind of U-shaped. Hard, then easy, then hard again. For the most part, if things weren't lining up, it was because I was doing something wrong -- there was definitely an *intended* way to do it -- but there were some times when I just wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.
Nevertheless, just a lot of fun to play. Highly recommended for low-to-mid-level intermediate players looking to dip into some more chocolate-heavy hacks. Thank you for putting in the work to make this hack.
Fun hack -- readable, good checkpoints, very fair. Definitely recommended!
This hack was extremely fun to play. It was definetely the hardest one I have played that I could actually complete. The levels felt like they were a good length with checkpoints spread just far enough that reaching them felt great but didnt leave me frustrated in not reaching them. The difficulty of some levels felt a little disjointed as I had some levels that took me 5+ hours to complete and then I felt like I finished the next 1 or 2 within an hour each. The only REAL block I felt I reached was in level 2 (ManCorsa) where after the checkpoint I had to do a sticky flight. Being as fresh as i am to these Kaizo hacks I had never done one and really wasnt to sure how to do it. Thankfully I had watched VoDs of other Kaizos and seen it so I knew what to do just had to do some research on how to do it lol. All the levels felt very fresh in what you had to do during them which made it extremely fun and taught me alot of things that Im sure will be useful in future Kaizo hacks. The final level was extremely challenging but I really enjoyed learning how to work the mechanics of the level, I had never played a level like that and it was just as fun as I hoped it would be. The end boss was also extremely fun and unique as a newer player. I really hope others looking to up the challenge they are facing find this hack and have a great time with it.
PS The Credits are amazing...still working on them but AMAZING.