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Custom Bro v1.1

SMW Sprites → Custom Bro v1.1

Submission Details

Name: Custom Bro v1.1
Author: Isikoro
Version History: View
Tool: PIXI
Type: Standard
Dynamic: No
Disassembly: No
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: You can make various broths with one asm file.
We also have new behavior patterns.
I used the graphic from here.
I got the names of Curve Bro, Braze Bro and Frost Bro from here.

It is already compatible with slopes.
I forgot to include the graphics and palette.I attached it.

You can also use mikeyk's SMB3 style and SMW prototype graphics graphics(However, please prepare the graphics yourself.).

-Faster terrain check process for whether to get off the block or not. (It checks the tiles by shifting them down by 8 dots per frame.)
-Fixed behavior when falling down a slope.
-It is now possible to set whether or not walking/tracking type bros jump when they hit a wall with Extra bit.
-I edited the Json file and made it possible to distinguish from the image whether the extra bit is set.
Clear ... Walk
Set ... Stand
-Added explanatory text to the file for configuration.
-It is now possible to set whether or not the boomerang will disappear (catch) if it hits in front of the person who threw it.
-Fixed hit detection by capes on extended sprites.
-The hammer is now being bounced away, instead of disappearing in a puff of smoke.
-Sledge bro hammers now have cape disabled.
Tags: bomb bro boomerang bro brothers customizable enemy fire bro hammer bro ice bro lorom sa-1 shell bro sledge bro
Comments: 49 (jump to comments)
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Comments (49)

Isikoro Author Link
Open sa1def.asm and add the following under “%define_exsprite_table(extended_table_5,$19AA,$34B2)”.



You should now be able to insert the included exsprite.
MegaSonic1999 Link
The second video showcases the interaction problem with vanilla extended sprites
MegaSonic1999 Link
Here's a video that showcases the hammer problem.
MegaSonic1999 Link
An error has been detected while applying patch spr_temp.asm:
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:6: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '171F' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:8: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '171F' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:10: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1733' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:11: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1715' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:13: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1715' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:15: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1729' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:16: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '176F' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:17: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '170B' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:33: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1779' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:43: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1779' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:44: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1779' wasn't found.
extended/custom_bro v1.1/elecball.asm:45: error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1779' wasn't found.
routines/extended/hurtwithclipping.asm:12 (called from shared_incsrc.asm:96): error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '171F' wasn't found.
routines/extended/hurtwithclipping.asm:14 (called from shared_incsrc.asm:96): error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1733' wasn't found.
routines/extended/hurtwithclipping.asm:21 (called from shared_incsrc.asm:96): error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1715' wasn't found.
routines/extended/hurtwithclipping.asm:23 (called from shared_incsrc.asm:96): error: (Edefine_not_found): Define '1729' wasn't found.
How do I fix this?
And how has it been accepted with these errors?
MegaSonic1999 Link
Additionnally, when using the vanilla extended hammer instead of the custom one, it doesn't interact with the player. it does during the first encounter, but later, it doesnt.
I wonder if the problem is with the hammer bro himself.
The extended hammer conflicts with the vanilla extended sprites.
But the hammer bro conflicts also with the vanilla extended hammer and doesn't interact with the player and disables the vanilla extended sprites.
I'm surprised that nobody reported this earlier.
How do I fix this?

Here's the code for the extended sprites:
                        !Hammer_SpNum		= $04    	;Hammer.asm
			!ElecBall_SpNum		= $00+$13	;ElecBall.asm
			!SledgeHammer_SpNum	= $04    	;SledgeHammer.asm

I figured removing $13 would use the original extended sprites instead.
MegaSonic1999 Link
Originally posted by Isikoro

I think it would be better if custom extended projectiles like from Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro, Boomerang Bro, Blue Boomerang / Boomerang Bros., Fire Bro, and Ice Bro. Dose these work for this sprite or are they compatible?
- It can be used.

The problem with custom extended sprites is that they disable the interaction between the original game's extended sprites and the player. which I don't know why hasn't it been reported at all.
Better question: Is it possible to make both hammer and sledge bro use the original (amazing flyin' hammer bro) extended hammer? and how?
 MarioFanGamer Link
  • Lunar Magic v3.50
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • PIXI v1.42
  • BSNES v115
Fixed unmoving hammers, added palmask, fixed behaviour description, renamed to "Custom Bro v1.1".

I still am not a fan of the fact that you still include multiple JSONs just for different extra byte defaults, palette settings and Lunar Magic (of course, in defence of you, the display also is fairly limited by the sheer fact that you can chose the display on only one of two sprites but it's still rather egregious, especially because this is better suited for property than extra bytes because save on space from the added level data in the long run).

The inclusion of your own version of sa1def.asm is a very weird one because doing this isn't very helpful of forward proofing in case PIXI comes with its own. Either use |!addr,x throughout, use the named defines, define them internally or create your own file and place them into ExtraDefines for the next update.

Regarding to the sprite itself, the only true weirdness I've noticed is the fact that the Brothers are inconsistently affected by thrown items (think of Thwomps and how they're only affected by shells which have a higher sprite slot than them) so the calls to $018032 don't work out as intended.

My opinions are otherwise unchanged from the last version.
MegaSonic1999 From older version: Custom Bro Link
I want to make the fire bro use the same tiles as flame bro.
Mikeyk version of course
Isikoro Author Link
Originally posted by CalHal
Hey, I have to ask you these.

I think it would be better if custom extended projectiles like from Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro, Boomerang Bro, Blue Boomerang / Boomerang Bros., Fire Bro, and Ice Bro. Dose these work for this sprite or are they compatible?

Are we suppose to change the walking speeds of the sprite from slower to faster like again Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro? Is there an option so that they will stop for a split second before they walk to the other side?

Are the Custom Bro suppose stay and wait for 50 seconds (by default) before they will walk away and chase the player like in SMB1?

I hope you could get my questions. If you don't think so, I hope you will work on that soon as another update. But it's a great sprite you did. Keep it up on more work you are doing soon.

I think it would be better if custom extended projectiles like from Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro, Boomerang Bro, Blue Boomerang / Boomerang Bros., Fire Bro, and Ice Bro. Dose these work for this sprite or are they compatible?
- It can be used.

Are we suppose to change the walking speeds of the sprite from slower to faster like again Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro?
- It can be set from "Speed_Table".

Is there an option so that they will stop for a split second before they walk to the other side?
- There is no such thing.

Are the Custom Bro suppose stay and wait for 50 seconds (by default) before they will walk away and chase the player like in SMB1?
- Immediately walking.
CalHal Link
Hey, I have to ask you these.

I think it would be better if custom extended projectiles like from Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro, Boomerang Bro, Blue Boomerang / Boomerang Bros., Fire Bro, and Ice Bro. Dose these work for this sprite or are they compatible?

Are we suppose to change the walking speeds of the sprite from slower to faster like again Sonikku's Hammer Bro, Sledge Bro? Is there an option so that they will stop for a split second before they walk to the other side?

Are the Custom Bro suppose stay and wait for 50 seconds (by default) before they will walk away and chase the player like in SMB1?

I hope you could get my questions. If you don't think so, I hope you will work on that soon as another update. But it's a great sprite you did. Keep it up on more work you are doing soon.
renato hacks Link
that's good, elite bros from smb3 and new elite bros I'll see if I can put them in my hacks
BushyCentral From older version: Custom Bro Link
can i make it throw literally nothing??
crocodileman94 From older version: Custom Bro Link
How do you make the sprites use the OtherColor tiles?
I'm trying to insert the Shell Bro, but it has the blue color of the Boomerang Bro instead of the turqoise color seen in the images above
Rykon-V73 From older version: Custom Bro Link
I also don't understand the thrown sprite tile setup. Looks confusing I must say. I wanted to edit it for effectiveness.
Rykon-V73 From older version: Custom Bro Link
The continuous versions don't work. Those act like regulat sprites.
Dynamite From older version: Custom Bro Link
Finally figured out how to use these sprites, they're interesting, though I find a few of the palette choices for sprites like the shell bro and bomb bro questionable, though I suppose it's due to having so many different bros and only a handful of palettes.
Ice Man From older version: Custom Bro Link
Hey, there.
Can you implement Boomerang Bro catching its boomerangs back by any chance?

Example like this:
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by buggy789
Other question: do I have to assign specific sprite numbers to the Bros' projectiles?

See SpawnTable.
jaytv25 From older version: Custom Bro Link
this and the venus pack are the best sprites to really ever exist when it comes to pixi in my opinion
buggy789 From older version: Custom Bro Link
Other question: do I have to assign specific sprite numbers to the Bros' projectiles?
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by buggy789
Quick question... does this already have the bros from smb3 or do I have to make them from scratch myself?

SMB3 Style is here
buggy789 From older version: Custom Bro Link
Quick question... does this already have the bros from smb3 or do I have to make them from scratch myself?
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by AmperSam
I have to report a flaw all the projectile sprites included in this resource have which is that is they don't have proper cape interaction. Cape spinning near the sprite will kill the projectile regardless of height above Mario.

Please show it in GIF.
 AmperSam From older version: Custom Bro Link
I have to report a flaw all the projectile sprites included in this resource have which is that is they don't have proper cape interaction. Cape spinning near the sprite will kill the projectile regardless of height above Mario.
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by solgaleo35
Im not really sure what I shuld do for the palette. Also, how exactly would you prepare the graphics to insert as MikeyK's sprite?

The graphics can be found here.
The palette can be changed in the CFG editor.
solgaleo35 From older version: Custom Bro Link

Also, there’s this weird error where one of the frames for the boomerang and the fire spitting frame call from the same tile in the GFX file leading to glitchiness
solgaleo35 From older version: Custom Bro Link
Im not really sure what I shuld do for the palette. Also, how exactly would you prepare the graphics to insert as MikeyK's sprite?
ChompBro From older version: Custom Bro Link
There Needs to be a Chomp Bro Like in Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga...

(a black Sledge Bro that throw Chain Chomps)#smrpg{cool}
Random Internet Name From older version: Custom Bro Link
These sprites look great. Love all the little things you can tinker with here. Recently had to switch from spritetool to PIXI and this is great. Totally reccomend. But it can be very buggy and has ende dup crashing levels for me. Ofcourse Im sure I caused this somehow, Im a noob to pixi
KDJewl From older version: Custom Bro Link
This is super well done and leaves a lot of open room for customization, but I just thought I'd mention that there still seems to be no palette file included.
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by succo
PLEEASE I AM BEGGING YOU DRAW A CAMEL IN SMW STYLE IN A SMW STYLED DESERT LANDSCAPE (p.s. this is a really nice work for making bros. I would suggest trying to implement the fwip fwip fwip fwip sound the boomerangs make)

Line 75
LDA !1602,x : LSR #2 : AND #$03 : TAX

LDA !1602,x
AND #$0F : BNE $08
TAX : LDA #$1B : STA $1DF9|!Base2
BRA $03
LSR #2 : TAX

Now you can play the sound effect.

I can't draw smw style camels.

succo From older version: Custom Bro Link
PLEEASE I AM BEGGING YOU DRAW A CAMEL IN SMW STYLE IN A SMW STYLED DESERT LANDSCAPE (p.s. this is a really nice work for making bros. I would suggest trying to implement the fwip fwip fwip fwip sound the boomerangs make)
SteliosPapas From older version: Custom Bro Link
Draw a camel in SMW style in a SMW styled desert landscape
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by SteliosPapas

What is custom SMW camel sprite?
SteliosPapas From older version: Custom Bro Link
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by SteliosPapas
Hi, can you make a custom SMW camel sprite in a custom SMW desert landscape?

custom SMW camel sprite?
SteliosPapas From older version: Custom Bro Link
Hi, can you make a custom SMW camel sprite in a custom SMW desert landscape?
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by ninj
Originally posted by Isikoro
You can make various broths with one asm file.

Can I make chicken broth?

What is chicken broth?
ninj From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by Isikoro
You can make various broths with one asm file.

Can I make chicken broth?
 MarioFanGamer From older version: Custom Bro Link
Moderated with:
  • Lunar Magic 3.20
  • SA-1 Pack v1.32
  • BSNES v115
  • PIXI v1.32

It's certainly a cool version of the hammer brother with the amount of customisability as well as the various types of Brothers. The distance keeping version is presumably my favourite option.

There are some things which really bug me, though: It's nice to have multiple JSON files for the various customisations but all they do is to set the extra byte, not the extra property byte even though the latter makes more sense (the palette is set in the JSON so you need to use different files anyway). You also didn't provide a palette which is rather minor but don't forget it the next time, thank you (you can ask a mod to update the ZIP). Also, what is going with the sprite ground interaction routine? Lastly, there is a typo in the second behaviour which goes from 100 to 111 to 101 and finally to 110.
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by FedoraFriday
This is a very user-friendly hammer bro. My only criticism is that changing the graphics is difficult, as the graphics routine for this sprite is handled way differently than similar sprites of the past. So if I wanted to make this sprite use, say the SMB3 hammer bro graphics, I'd have to poke around in the graphics routine to move the head back, and then poke around in the graphics file.

I would suggest to add a way to swap between a graphics routine where its compatible with these graphics, and SMB3 styled compatible graphics. Perhaps just add a second Custom_Bro_TilesTable.asm file for the SMB3 compatibility.

I made it usable.
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by Isikoro
Originally posted by ASSATAKKU
Why not make it a graphic of the "Super Mario Maker" series?

I will not do it. Because this is closer to the original.
Also, the "Super Mario Maker"s Hammer Bro is shorter than Koopa Troopa.

I made it usable.
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by Blizzard Buffalo
Originally posted by FedoraFriday
This is a very user-friendly hammer bro. My only criticism is that changing the graphics is difficult, as the graphics routine for this sprite is handled way differently than similar sprites of the past. So if I wanted to make this sprite use, say the SMB3 hammer bro graphics, I'd have to poke around in the graphics routine to move the head back, and then poke around in the graphics file.

I would suggest to add a way to swap between a graphics routine where its compatible with these graphics, and SMB3 styled compatible graphics. Perhaps just add a second Custom_Bro_TilesTable.asm file for the SMB3 compatibility.

Same, I could have used the SMW Prototype graphics too.

I made it usable.
Blizzard Buffalo From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by FedoraFriday
This is a very user-friendly hammer bro. My only criticism is that changing the graphics is difficult, as the graphics routine for this sprite is handled way differently than similar sprites of the past. So if I wanted to make this sprite use, say the SMB3 hammer bro graphics, I'd have to poke around in the graphics routine to move the head back, and then poke around in the graphics file.

I would suggest to add a way to swap between a graphics routine where its compatible with these graphics, and SMB3 styled compatible graphics. Perhaps just add a second Custom_Bro_TilesTable.asm file for the SMB3 compatibility.

Same, I could have used the SMW Prototype graphics too.
FedoraFriday From older version: Custom Bro Link
This is a very user-friendly hammer bro. My only criticism is that changing the graphics is difficult, as the graphics routine for this sprite is handled way differently than similar sprites of the past. So if I wanted to make this sprite use, say the SMB3 hammer bro graphics, I'd have to poke around in the graphics routine to move the head back, and then poke around in the graphics file.

I would suggest to add a way to swap between a graphics routine where its compatible with these graphics, and SMB3 styled compatible graphics. Perhaps just add a second Custom_Bro_TilesTable.asm file for the SMB3 compatibility.
KaidenThelens From older version: Custom Bro Link
Zavok From older version: Custom Bro Link
Isikoro Author From older version: Custom Bro Link
Originally posted by ASSATAKKU
Why not make it a graphic of the "Super Mario Maker" series?

I will not do it. Because this is closer to the original.
Also, the "Super Mario Maker"s Hammer Bro is shorter than Koopa Troopa.
ASSATAKKU From older version: Custom Bro Link
Why not make it a graphic of the "Super Mario Maker" series?