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Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock

SMW Blocks → Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock

Submission Details

Name: Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock
Author: MarioFanGamer
Version History: View
Act As: 25
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: A set of blocks which replicate the Plus Clocks from, among others, Super Mario 3D Land.
These can add either 10 seconds or 100 seconds of time by default but the value is customisable.

Comes with two versions: One which just adds time to the time and another which spawns a score sprite and add some time that way.

No credits necessary.
Tags: counter lorom map16 sa-1 time
Comments: 4 (jump to comments)
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Comments (4)

 RussianMan Link
Tested With:
-Lunar Magic 3.40
-GPS 1.4.4
-bsnes v115
-PIXI 1.40
-SA-1 1.40

Made several changes to the submission:
-Fixed a major bug with the classic clock blocks, specifically the included routine, which erroneously set second units instead of hundreds at the end of it, resulting in broken addition (in some cases, substracting time instead). This issue is not present in the routine included with advanced version.
-Edited included Map16 tiles to make them act like 25 instead of 130 (just like what the acts as field suggests they should act like)
-Edited the included level file so it doesn't have custom SP1 graphics by default, the ExGFXC8 at SP1 is not present as-is, and isn't necessary if the user is using the simple version.
-Renamed GFX00.bin to SP1.bin, I think it should be up to the user if they want to make graphics global (replace GFX00 entirely) or make it ExGFX (the readme is also edited to reflect this change).
-Edited advanced version's block so it automatically spawns a custom score sprite from PIXI's list by using custom score sprite offset (otherwise it would not be consistent or intuitive between block's asm and PIXI's list).

Aside from that one major error with classic clock blocks and a few other things, I've noticed that the included palette and the palette within sample level differ, the standalone palette is slightly brighter. Just a small inconsistency I found. Other than that, I did not notice any errors. It's simple but solid.
 Donut From older version: Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock Link
Tested with:
-Lunar Magic 3.31
-bsnes v115
-SA-1 1.40
-GPS 1.4.3

Fixed a minor issue where the player wouldn't collect the block when wall running, by putting the "WallFeet" label above the main code.
HammerBrother From older version: Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock Link
The plus clocks animate like a coin, and it looks nice.
KBY30 From older version: Super Mario 3D Land - Plus Clock Link
I would really love it if there was a way for it to spawn a sprite— like the score or 1-up sprites— to show how much time it adds like in the original game, but it looks nice overall