Name: | Truc Bidule |
Author: | yogui |
Added: | |
Version History: | View |
Demo: | No |
Hall of Fame: | Yes |
Length: | 43 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Very Hard |
Description: | Truc Bidule is yogui's new hack filled with many unique levels of all sorts. Including many different graphics and musics, self-made ASM, new powerups, hidden moons in each levels who unlock secrets, and simply unique and amazing level design. Or so I say. Play the game and see for yourself. |
Tags: | asm bosses exgfx gimmick music powers sa-1 variety |
Comments: | 33 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
1.39 MiB | 3,337 downloads
Comments (33)
No other changes were made. As always the changelog of all versions can be found here.
This is a quick bugfix update. There is currently no plan of making major changes.
If you found other glitches or errors please tell me so that I can try to fix them.
Also one reminder: the postpostgame is totally optional content. It's okay to not attempt it.
Thank you for sharing your magnus opus with us, yogui.
...Well it's second place to "BALLS" from JUMP, anyway
Anyway, had lots of fun playing it. The
The final level
Thank you.
Mais sérieu, ton travail = 10/10
Sorry yogui
No longer be rude to you
Forgive me please
My advice to anyone wanting to play and 100% the hack, do one world at a time then take a break. Will be much more fun that way imo.
All in all, well done.
This was my fault. Did something dumb when making the zip file. It's been fixed now.
You can see the changelog here: CHANGELOG
There is also a future 1.01 update planned to fix some glitches.
If you want to talk about this hack you can also check the thread in the Hack subforum.
This thread also has a link to my development google sheet that list all the resources used.
You cheated not only the game but yourself!
Joke aside, it's obviously not the intended solution lol.
I could fix it by making the muncher carpet longer or removing the cloning block glitch. Dunno of I will do it or not.
Great hack, man.
-A lot of levels could have use
-The last room before
-The hunt for moons may make my experience worse since I have to take risks a lot of times for nothing
I may 100% later...
Temporary rating: 4/5
Also this is so much harder than standard:hard
Is there an imput buffer in this hack? I have issue throwing up sometimes (could be my emulator)
That is a deliberate choice I made. You can try levels as much as you want since there is infinite lives, but once started you must get through the end or you'll lose your progress in the level.
A very memorable experience. I recommend for anyone who wants a very challenging and clever hack.