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Truc Bidule

Super Mario World Hacks → Truc Bidule

Submission Details

Name: Truc Bidule
Author: yogui
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: Yes
Length: 43 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Very Hard
Description: Truc Bidule is yogui's new hack filled with many unique levels of all sorts. Including many different graphics and musics, self-made ASM, new powerups, hidden moons in each levels who unlock secrets, and simply unique and amazing level design. Or so I say. Play the game and see for yourself.
Tags: asm bosses exgfx gimmick music powers sa-1 variety
Comments: 33 (jump to comments)
4.7 (17 ratings)
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Comments (33)

yogui Author Pinned Link
The game has been updated to 1.02 to remove a test door in Bewsor Cool Castle that was added in 1.01 when testing that I forgot to remove. I'm very ashamed to not have noticed it until now.
No other changes were made. As always the changelog of all versions can be found here.
This is a quick bugfix update. There is currently no plan of making major changes.
If you found other glitches or errors please tell me so that I can try to fix them.

Also one reminder: the postpostgame is totally optional content. It's okay to not attempt it.
JikissGamer Link
Amazing romhack. Feels like so much more than 43 exits with how densely packed it is. The difficulty curve is very fair and the extra challenge of finding the moons is fun and rewarding. Hats off to the creator, I really enjoyed this one.
griffinlobster Link
Simply incredible. Beautiful, creative levels. Smooth difficulty curve. Exhilarating challenge in the stretch goals (moons) and postgame.

Thank you for sharing your magnus opus with us, yogui.

...Well it's second place to "BALLS" from JUMP, anyway :P
Easy Difficulty Link
Very good hack. Despite the difficulty increasing at the end, it never got too frustrating. One criticism though, was when you've played like 10 levels in a row with a custom tileset and then you get a level with a vanilla tileset with a vanilla palette. It just feels a bit out of place.
Anyway, had lots of fun playing it. The
puzzle at the end felt impossible at first, though. I had to try to find the solution from the end first and work my way to the start to solve this puzzle.

The final level
feels very spammy at first. The first part of the level uses two sprites, a plant repeatedly appearing out of the ground and a variant shooting fire. This felt very repetitive and boring. The entire level has a surprising amount of "die once here" moments where you can't possibly react the first time. Good level overall, though.
Diego1988 Link
I use the RetroArch emulator, and when I open the game the sound is hissing and also slow, how can I solve this?
Diego1988 Link
There is a bug in the game's music in the RetroArch emulator, can you solve this bug in the music???
yogui Author Link
Can you tell me what bug you encounter and where?
Thank you.
Rock From older version: Truc Bidule Link
J'ai bien aimé ton hack de patante chouette.
Mais sérieu, ton travail = 10/10

 Pokemon Hacker From older version: Truc Bidule Link
no track list ??
yogui Author From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Check the thread in the forum HERE, you can find a link to download all the SPC music files used in the hack, and a link to a spreadsheet containing all the resources used in all levels, including musics, sprites, blocks, levelASM and more.
Jolpengammler From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I feel like I should like this hack but I just don't :(

Sorry yogui
MickeySupermario16 From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I'm Sorry for having treated you badly,I will
No longer be rude to you
Forgive me please :( #wario{:'(}
PepsiLover22 From older version: Truc Bidule Link
a very creative hack it really feels like you are playing a new JUMP hack (for example MICE) each level you play is unique and with a different gymmick. That is if the postgame is brutal (when watching beekay's live shows) and the moons (almost all) are difficult to achieve. I was only able to complete the final castle because I already felt a bit exhausted with the hack. A solid hack if you just want to play it for a fun challenge but if you want to get 100% on getting all the secrets, moons, and beating all the levels it will most likely take about 3 weeks (unless you use save states) I think even completing the hack at 100% will already come close on the kaizo difficulty. 5/5
Fawndue From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Really cool hack with a lot of fun, good ideas for levels but also has a fair share of tedium in places. I 100% the hack and overall was an interesting experience. Can't say I didn't have some moments of hating certain levels tho lol
My advice to anyone wanting to play and 100% the hack, do one world at a time then take a break. Will be much more fun that way imo.

All in all, well done.
 Pokemon Hacker From older version: Truc Bidule Link
amazing romhack my guy
Tiroler From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Very enjoyable hack - the levels felt very fresh and new. Would recommend to anyone.
 patcdr From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Originally posted by JWMarioRoms
the patch doesnt show up in the file for me

This was my fault. Did something dumb when making the zip file. It's been fixed now.
yogui Author From older version: Truc Bidule Link
The game has been updated to 1.01 during moderation by the way.
You can see the changelog here: CHANGELOG

Originally posted by JWMarioRoms
the patch doesnt show up in the file for me
The zip file looks weird when opened inside 7zip, but when I extract it the .bps appears. If the problem persist, I will resubmit it. Or you can get all (non-beta) versions of the game (including 1.01) here.
MateusCarvalho590 From older version: Truc Bidule Link
nice hack#smrpg{mlem}
JWMarioRoms From older version: Truc Bidule Link
the patch doesnt show up in the file for me
yogui Author From older version: Truc Bidule Link
@skye I know, this will be fixed in the next update.
Skye From older version: Truc Bidule Link
It's possible to get softlocked during
POSTGAME ULTRACHALLENGE if you get hit by Boom-Boom while on the edge of the screen while he's doing the attack where he runs very fast while flashing.
yogui Author From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Sorry the game is not Hard but Standard: Very hard. I picked the wrong difficulty.
There is also a future 1.01 update planned to fix some glitches.

If you want to talk about this hack you can also check the thread in the Hack subforum.
This thread also has a link to my development google sheet that list all the resources used.

You cheated not only the game but yourself!
Joke aside, it's obviously not the intended solution lol.
I could fix it by making the muncher carpet longer or removing the cloning block glitch. Dunno of I will do it or not.
idealiter From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I don't know how much you care about alternative solutions, but
it is possible to skip basically the whole puzzle level (LOST PARADISE / The forbidden land)

Great hack, man. #tb{:>}
TheKazooBloccGosh From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Very polished hack, I had a lot of fun ... almost!
-A lot of levels could have use
the fast retry system (the levels where there's a power-up filter...), I got frustated by the many times I quickly die at the beginning and send back to the overworld

-The last room before
the final boss, the red cape and throw power-up mix one
: that room is very long and must be played slowly, I end up using savestates (only here) by pure frustation
-The hunt for moons may make my experience worse since I have to take risks a lot of times for nothing

I may 100% later...

Temporary rating: 4/5

Also this is so much harder than standard:hard
Is there an imput buffer in this hack? I have issue throwing up sometimes (could be my emulator)
lordkronos100 From older version: Truc Bidule Link
An Very Fun Hack but i must Give Up on The Last Puzzle it was Way to Confusing for me Sadly but Other Then That It Was an Very Fun Challanging Hack with Lots of Nice Gimmicks :D
 BeeKaay From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I got the first checkpoint in RED CAPE ASCEND, exited to the overworld, then turned off my system. After I turned it back on, the checkpoint was gone. I reproduced this behavior on Super Nt and Snes9x. My overworld position saves to SRAM, but not the checkpoint.
yogui Author From older version: Truc Bidule Link
One of the difference of midway orbs compared to midway bars is that they don't make you big and doesn't get saved when you turn off the game. One of the Toad mention this in NPC STATION.
That is a deliberate choice I made. You can try levels as much as you want since there is infinite lives, but once started you must get through the end or you'll lose your progress in the level.
 Anorakun From older version: Truc Bidule Link
As someone that has playtested the hack, I have to say: This is an extremely polished rom hack. Each stage feels unique and well-designed. Aesthetics, music choice and level ideas are very well combined. It gets extremely tough in the postgame but it shows an insane effort of the author in making something very challenging but fair. My favorite part was collecting the moons itself.

A very memorable experience. I recommend for anyone who wants a very challenging and clever hack. #smrpg{:3}
 AmperSam From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I playtested this one on a lark when yogui put out a call for testers and don't regret it. If you're into gimmick-based levels, this is a hack for you. Everything is fair and focused and a lot of fun, I hope others enjoy it as much as I. #smrpg{y}
 Heraga From older version: Truc Bidule Link
Hard may be a bit deceptive, the latter portions of the game pose a decent challenge. Regardless, this was very very fun, and shows just how far Yogui has come as a hacker in the last decade. A must play, and sets a real new bar for romhacking going forward.
 LouisDoucet From older version: Truc Bidule Link
I'm glad I was able to playtest, it was a great pleasure. I hope to see others enjoy this hack as much as I did.