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Wall Springboards

SMW Sprites → Wall Springboards

Submission Details

Name: Wall Springboards
Author: imamelia
Tool: PIXI
Type: Standard
Dynamic: No
Disassembly: Yes
Includes GFX: No
Description: This is a disassembly of sprites 6B and 6C in SMW, the wall springboards (or Pea Bouncers, if you prefer). The extra bit determines which of the original sprites it acts like.
Tags: lorom pacifist sa-1 springboard wall
Comments: 3 (jump to comments)
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Comments (3)

 Erik Link
i was like oh boy imma need to disassemble this but no you had to use the lm name instead of the actual one
torzod Link
could you include the capability to modify their length with the extra byte?
 RussianMan Link
It's a wall springboard. Or pea bouncer. IDK

What's changed:
Converted to PIXI with SA-1 support.