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Kirby Bomb Blocks

SMW Blocks → Kirby Bomb Blocks

Submission Details

Name: Kirby Bomb Blocks
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Act As: Various
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: Ever wanted a kirby-styled block remover/changer gimmick in your hack? Well now you can! If the player triggers the bomb block, it will spawn a custom sprite that wipes out all the adjacent blocks one by one (on each explosion). See the readme for more info.

the animated image below was made by me using licecap.

UPDATE: Fixed a buoyancy glitch. Address $019138 affects the sprite's interaction, causing strange teleportation when it shouldn't be (like destroying 1 block above the explosion).

The blocks along with the sprite which has been converted to Pixi are now Sa-1 hybrid.

Knight of Time update: Fixed two blocks that had a couple of SA-1 related oversights (BomBlk_Bomb_UP_RIGHT.asm & BomBlk_WoodenStake_LEFT.asm).
Tags: bomb kirby lorom puzzle sa-1 secret
Comments: 15 (jump to comments)
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Comments (15)

 zuccha Link
First of all, I'm very sorry for taking this submission hostage for months, I have no justification for this delay. That said, the two fixes included are simple but improve SA-1 compatibility. I also scanned for other potential SA-1 issues, but I found none.

I also made a few changes:
  • Added Knight of Time's changes in the changelog.
  • Changed Romi's SpriteTool to PIXI in requirements.
  • Fixed some typos and grammar in the readme.
  • Added version number in the zip file name.

Tested with Lunar Magic 3.50, GPS 1.4.4, PIXI 1.42, SA-1 Pack 1.40, Snex9x 1.62.3.
Knight of Time From older version: Kirby Bomb Blocks Link
These blocks are pretty snazzy, HammerBrother! IMO these are one of your coolest creations here.
Hammerer From older version: Kirby Bomb Blocks Link
Is there some way to the block activates by a normal jump?
 MarioFanGamer From older version: Kirby Bomb Blocks Link
Moderated with:
  • Lunar Magic v3.31
  • SA-1 Pack v1.40
  • GPS v1.4.21
  • PIXI v1.32
  • BSNES v115
A simple update to a pretty cool set of resources even if the code is somewhat old and has got some artefacts (e.g. preserving $0F when not needed). I'd also argue that the blocks should be controlled by a single sprite aside from the triggers but that one is an entirely different topic.

Edit: Also changed the title to Kirby Bomb Blocks. It used to be named "Bomb blocks (from the kirby series)" but a shorter name with proper capitalisation is preferred.
Ice Man From older version: Kirby Bomb Blocks Link
This is what I needed. Great work!
Black Goku From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Originally posted by Fermín Acosta Jr.
Originally posted by rvx
The explosion sprite isn't compatible with PIXI and SA-1 hacks :(

I could do sa-1 compatible for sa-1 convert and Romi’s SpriteTool to PIXI through Trashkas

You have to remap two addresses that cannot be converted with sa-1 convert to give it full support with sa-1 (In the sprite, the block can be converted to sa-1). .
El Cuh Fermin From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Originally posted by rvx
The explosion sprite isn't compatible with PIXI and SA-1 hacks :(

I could do sa-1 compatible for sa-1 convert and Romi’s SpriteTool to PIXI through Trashkas
rvx From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
The explosion sprite isn't compatible with PIXI and SA-1 hacks :(
El Cuh Fermin From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Make Pixi Compatible and SA-1
HammerBrother Author From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Feel free to update this if you need to (including re-uploading this for fixing/future tool replacement purposes).
Galeth From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Assembling the sprite required for the blocks to work has no side effects (yet) if you use PIXI.
DiscoTheBat From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
This is a really nice concept and it has been pretty well made. I liked it!
HammerBrother Author From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Thanks to a pm by Chill Pingu, he reported a bug that the explosion sprite gets deleted if it destroy the first bombable block if sprite bouyancy is set.
JackTheSpades From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
Certainly a great block. I love it, kinda wonder why nobody ever thought about that before.
One complain I feel like voicing is that the blocks behaviour would have been great to be in the readme rather than just the asm.
 SafeDesire From older version: Bomb blocks (from the kirby series) Link
That's really cool. Nice job.