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SMW Sprites → Mini-Necky

Submission Details

Name: Mini-Necky
Author: dahnamics
Tool: PIXI
Type: Standard
Dynamic: No
Disassembly: No
Includes GFX: Yes
Description: This is the vulture from the Donkey Kong games. It flies up and down and can be defeated by any means. Occasionally, it shoots nuts. It always faces Mario.

If the extra bit is clear, it will shoot one nut, which will slowly go in a straight line. If the extra bit is set, it will shoot three fast nuts in a spreadshot type of fashion.

Make sure to specify the sprite number of the nut in mini_necky.asm! Check the ASM files for customization options.
Tags: bird dkc dkc2 dkl dkl2 donkey kong donkey kong country donkey kong country 2 donkey kong land donkey kong land 2 enemy fly flying lorom sa-1
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
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Comments (2)

killerofkings07 Link
comment on fait pour le mettre ?
 Telinc1 Link
Converted to PIXI and added SA-1 compatibility. Added a screenshot and tags.

Both the main sprite and the nut have been cleaned up. The sprite spawning routines have been improved to take less space.