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Song Title


    ~omh~ - The Tower of the Exits ~ A Secondary Exit

    SMW Music → ~omh~ - The Tower of the Exits ~ A Secondary Exit

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    Submission Details

    Name: ~omh~ - The Tower of the Exits ~ A Secondary Exit
    Authors: Daizo Dee Von, Team JANK
    Insert Size: 0x1092 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Many
    Source: Original
    Duration: 2:24
    Featured: No
    Description: The final level theme of ~omh~, actually being a remix of various Mario victory themes, with a nod to real final because R-ACK. Won 1st place during Winter C3 2024 alongside a bunch of other ~omh~ related songs.

    Give credit if you use this, please.

    Not compatible with thunder, p-switch, blarggs, etc.
    Tags: airship athletic bonus carnival castle chaotic final fire ice industrial mountain sky space tense
    0.0 (0 ratings)
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