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Sonic Epic World

Super Mario World Hacks → Sonic Epic World

Submission Details

Name: Sonic Epic World
Author: sholmes
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 8 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Intermediate
Description: sonic is on a trip to visit tails, when chuckman wont let him continue, can sonic defeat him ?

note: this is originally the first hack to submit to SMW Central, . It was maded since 2023, and it is a good idea for kaizo beginners
Tags: asm exgfx music
Comments: 1 (jump to comments)
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Comments (1)

 YouFailMe Link
While an improvement over the original version, I've decided to move this from beginner back to intermediate. Most of the jumps aren't particularly hard in isolation. The majority of the difficulty comes from long sections, blindness, custom sprites with unpredictable behavior, and graphic choices that make levels hard to read. Here are a few examples:

• the clouds that look very close to normal clouds but act as death blocks are counter intuitive
• sprites like the extremely fast wiggler take a lot of trial and error to figure out. This is particularly punishing in the first section of level 1 since it's very long.
• the graphic choices in level 3 make it difficult to know where it's safe to land

Additionally I noticed a lot of repeated setups and some odd design choices, like several p switch setups where the player hits a p switch and simply waits there until it expires. Also while the lack of fast retry didn't bother me, that will certainly detract from the experience for a lot of players given the style of the hack. I did find myself enjoying the levels more as the hack went on, likely due to the somewhat inverse difficulty curve.