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Song Title


    Mega Man 10 - Heart of Enker (X1 Style)

    SMW Music → Mega Man 10 - Heart of Enker (X1 Style)

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    Submission Details

    Name: Mega Man 10 - Heart of Enker (X1 Style)
    Author: Ultima
    Insert Size: 0x0CBE bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Many
    Source: Remix
    Duration: 0:48
    Featured: No
    Description: The first DLC Special Stage theme from Megaman 10, and in turn a remix of the Wily Stage theme from Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge (or Rockman World in Japan), the first Game Boy Megaman game, and coincidentally the first game Enker appears in. Good for things like boss fights, chases, athletic, fire, and possibly castle stages as well.

    (btw, thanks to  Segment1Zone2 for sending me their own Heart of Enker MIDI for me to make this lmao)
    Tags: athletic boss castle chase fire tense
    Comments: 1 (jump to comments)
    0.0 (0 ratings)
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    Comments (1)

    mariofan_171 Link
    spurdo spärde :DDDD