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SMB3 P-meter v2.3

UberASM Repository → SMB3 P-meter v2.3

Submission Details

Name: SMB3 P-meter v2.3
Author: HammerBrother
Version History: View
Type: Level
Includes GFX: Yes
Includes Hijack: No
Featured: No
Description: Unlike other patch versions of the classic SMB3 P-meter, this one is rather an uberasm tool code. Note that this by default assumes you are using the super status bar patch patch. It's also compatible with the Minimalist Status Bars patch

v2.1 updates:
-Optimized the code a bit, such as no longer needing scratch RAM and instead rely on a repeated icons display subroutine instead.
-Failsafe added (included in the aforementioned subroutine) to prevent if somehow the P-meter is theoretically greater than $70, would write more tiles.

v2.2 minor update:
-Renamed the defines and added various comments due to them being confusing. Also removed an unused one.

v2.3 minor update:
-Further simplified the defines for the user relating to the status bar patches, and now the tile position uses coordinates rather than just one number specifying how many bytes.
-Added alternate graphics for minimalist status bar due to tile outlines blending in with black background
Tags: dash lorom p-meter sa-1 smb3 status bar
Comments: 12 (jump to comments)
5.0 (3 ratings)
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Comments (12)

malexthecookiefan Link
you are a GENIUS #smw{:TUP:}
 Fernap Link
Tested with:
- Lunar Magic 3.40
- SA-1 Pack 1.40
- Snes9x 1.62.3, Mesen 2
- UberASM Tool 2.0
- Super Status Bar v2.2 patch
- Minimalist Status Bars patch


After a little back and forth, I think the instructions and compatibility questions have mainly been settled, and everything seems to work okay in the update, so accepted.

A couple notes to users: This was moderated right as UberASM Tool 2.0 was accepted, so there were some updates to the instructions reflecting that. However, it should still work fine with 1.x, either for individual levels, or for all levels by inserting as both gamemode 13 and 14.

As well, I think the instructions make it unclear that this can work just fine on individual levels anyway. Likewise, be aware that the included graphics are simply intended to replace GFX28.bin if using the meter on all levels, or to bypass LG1 if using on individual levels.

- Added init: along with main: so that the meter displays at level fade-in
- Added the ";>sa1 init,main" line to the resource to let UAT run this on the SA-1 side.
- Added sa-1 tag
HammerBrother Author From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
I noticed in theory that the loop that writes the full triangle tiles aren't capped, which can cause it to write more than 6 triangles and if it were to have 9 or more, could end up writing more bytes beyond the "P" tiles (8-9 would be an area where the P tile is written afterwards), thus !ScratchRam_Tiles+8 and higher would be overwritten, if vanilla $13E4 can go beyond $70.
HammerBrother Author From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Originally posted by simon.caio
I hear the sound but sadly it doesnt show me the p-meter ??

By default you need the super status bar patch.
simon.caio From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
I hear the sound but sadly it doesnt show me the p-meter ??
Black Goku From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Originally posted by hsialin
Does your instructions on the graphic install mean "sprite status bar" patch? SSB can mean one of several things.

This uberasm requires the Super Status Bar patch, but actually is buggy in SA-1 roms.
hsialin From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Does your instructions on the graphic install mean "sprite status bar" patch? SSB can mean one of several things.
DavidMario12 From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Can you please make a regular patch that you can do with asar? that uberasm is way too complicated for me.
Frol From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
SMB3 Is Nes.
HammerBrother Author From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Thanks. Also thank you for reporting errors in my work.
 Erik From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Thanks for fixing the issues so quickly. You made a good job with this!
HammerBrother Author From older version: SMB3 P-meter Link
Note that smw's dash timer does not exactly behaves as SMB3, click here if you want to.