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Super Mario World Hacks → Perchance

Submission Details

Name: Perchance
Author: papanug
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 36 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Expert
Description: Perchance.

I wanted to make something that was both fun and challenging: this was the end result. The hack features difficult kaizo platforming with light chocolate mechanics - and a heavy focus on platforming and jumping. I'm not the biggest fan of "shell/item" tech, so you won't find much of that in this hack. Ultimately, I made things that I thought were fun. I'm sure no one will like everything - but I hope that, if you choose to play this hack, that you will be happy you spent the time to play it.

Although the hack has 36 exits - I must warn you that this hack plays much longer.

While playing, you'll find custom music, custom bosses, custom graphics, saving on the overworld, fast retry, as well as an assortment of secrets. You may also find a kaizo block or two.

Huge shoutouts to Binavik, Daizo Dee Von, DevazureBlue, and countless others who helped me so much. None of this would be possible without them.
Tags: asm custom boss exgfx music puzzle
Comments: 15 (jump to comments)
5.0 (3 ratings)
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Comments (15)

Donaldwd518 Link
This hack is way more than just a 36 exit hack. Theres alot of secret sections that dont count + optional superboss and Bsides.
I spent alot of time on this hack and i have to say it will make you be a better player. Some levels were absolutely brutal and some were an absolute joy with amazing set ups.
I recommend plenty of breaks as well as getting good.

Overall I was very happy with the overall hack and so proud of nug. Can't wait to start speedrunning this.
GG nug

ps you cant just say perchance
 Daizo Dee Von Link
"perchance" #smrpg{sick}
PepsiLover22 Link
the beast was finally accepted
PixelFhacks Link
Perchance I'll give it a try too
Astrakitu Link
btw has anyone found the song used in the
final boss (the one with the SMB3 Mario boss fight) in the hack? I was wondering if it was a tracker song initally publicly available as a remix of the MK theme but ported to SMW by the hack's author.
GrenudoGames Link
This hack is huge and interesting. After finishing it I can say in my opinion that it has a lot of fun but at the same time it is loaded with frustration due to sections that tend to be sometimes unfair to the player especially due to sections and blind jumps and some trolls that exist although this is not in all the hack.
It has levels that are too long and that is why it is a kaizo that should be taken slowly and played with breaks to enjoy it and not get frustrated. sometimes it made me think like "why not just create two hacks"? So it feels like you're playing two kaizos in one.
Most setups tend to be creative and have a great variety of sprites, blocks, platforming and other good stuff.
i enjoyed level design overall with a great platformer kaizo style.

I found a problem that could be solved in a possible update:
the crossroads has a section where when using the wrap pipes the game simply breaks and you have to restart it (that can erase your progress if you haven't exited to the OW to save)

Finally I would like to say that although I don't love that the levels are so long and sometimes blind,
but It was really fun to test my skills as a kaizo player and looking for Secrets that exist throughout the Hack.
Also the boss fights are extremely fun. something that is tedious is having to repeat some very difficult sections of levels to find secrets
I think this game sometimes feels like it goes a step beyond the expert category.
I played the kaizo entirely without using a single save state and from an Analogue Pocket console.

It is a big job to create a Hack and it is more difficult to get all the players to like it. and for that I must say congrats Papanug.

revolug Link
This hack is massive, and extremely impressive. I can't imagine how difficult it was to create and put together.
It's not without its problems though, and it does a lot of things I haven't seen in another hack, for better or for worse.

I enjoyed the level design, although a lot of levels had more sections than they needed to and a lot of sections had same-y and repetitive jumps. Some often reused setups include spinning on thwomps midair, jumping off of and re-landing on a grey platform, bouncing between fast-shooting bullet bill launchers, and boo rings. Some sections or levels feel bloated with these tricks, providing some filler without any interesting or new movement - but most sections are pretty fresh and fun. I think near the end-game is where the problem is at its worst, with multiple levels with what feels like 10 sections that don't seem to iterate very meaningfully on the sections before them (the darkness/torch collecting sections in the final castle were sick as hell though). These sections were still fun, but lacked the creativity and poise of a hack like Odd Sands or Czar, and I feel like I wouldn't like the hack any less if a lot of them were cut. Also many sections had blank concrete aesthetics, which felt a little tacky - especially when previous sections in the same level had a more fleshed out tileset. I don't really care about aesthetics so this doesn't matter very much to me, but some more time put into the foreground graphics in some levels wouldn't hurt.

My biggest personal issue with this hack is the way that it handles secrets. I enjoyed how GPW3 used secrets to hint at alternate exits or paths, but this hack felt different. For one, a massive proportion of the secrets are just going back into a pipe that you came out from. As someone who doesn't check for that in every hack I play, I proceeded to miss almost every secret in this game because they weren't visually telegraphed unlike GPW3's secrets. This, for the most part, was fine until I got to a roadblock where I needed an earlier secret to progress. Luckily, I stumbled upon another streamer who found the secret I needed, but if I hadn't done that I would be forced to replay a significant portion of the romhack to find it, which in my opinion is never something that you should ask of a player. This hack doesn't reward people for finding secrets, it punishes those who don't. And when the secrets are just checking pipes you just came from it feels very frustrating to be punished. I like looking for cool secrets in games, but forcing them goes against what I play kaizo for. When I play a difficult level I'm focused on getting to the end, not checking every pipe I come out through or looking for any hidden blocks or map16 anomalies. And when the secrets are this un-telegraphed and the levels are this hard I think it starts to not work as a gameplay loop. By the end of the hack I was exhausted and didn't want to replay anything anymore, so I just left it at 34 exits after I rolled credits. From what I've heard there's basically a whole other hack hidden in here that doesn't count towards any exits, but none of the levels looked exciting or different enough for me to want to pick this up again.

I do want to re-iterate that I enjoyed the levels of this hack, though. Papanug for sure has his own style and it was surprisingly fresh at times considering this is his first romhack and many of the levels were made years ago. In between those same-y filler jumps were some actually really interesting and clean obstacles, especially in levels like Aerial Bombardment and Centripetal Force. If we get another Papanug hack someday I'll be looking forward to it, as the highlights of this hack are very impressive and speak to an underlying design style that I like a lot compared to the surface-level issues I pointed out earlier.

I think if you're in the mood for a difficult kaizo expert hack reminiscent of GPW2, UKW2, MOON, or Comfort Zone (and hacks of a similar era) this is a great pick, but you shouldn't play it blind if you want a smooth ride with no backtracking or head-scratching. If this hack was streamlined and had some sections cut, I think I would like it more. I'll still give it 5 stars because this hack had more effort put into it than anything I'll ever make in my life and I really enjoyed a lot of the level design, but it's clear that Papanug doesn't value the same things I do in romhacking.
 Anorakun Link
The in-game credits will need to conform with the Credit Guidelines .

The people who contributed with sprites are listed under "Graphics" and no folks that had their graphics used are listed anywhere at all. I assume this is an oversight.
papanug Author Link
Hi! You're totally right - it was an oversight on my part! I'm going to re-upload tonight with amended credits to include all the graphics people! So sorry!
kopovision Link
009 gangsta 009
KazakhGuy Link
SusGodGaming Link
Long awaited public release, I cant believe I get the chance to play this and its not my grandchildren
revolug Link
you can't just say "perchance"
 Daizo Dee Von Link