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Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around

Super Mario World Hacks → Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around

Submission Details

Name: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around
Author: Shiki_Makiro
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 96 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Very Hard, Kaizo: Expert
Description: Sequel Of Super Marisa Adventure World
About this hack:
Full Name: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around

Length: 96 Exits

Ranking: Standard: Very Hard, Kaizo: Beginner

Featured Contain:
- SMB3 Status Bar
- Retry System
- Auto-SavePrompt
- Upward Fireball shooting

Inspired By:
- SMW Hack:
- Others:
Marisa Kirisame: TOUHOU Project - Team Shanghai Alice
Alter-Ego Class: Fate/Extra CCC - Type-Moon
Neko Arc: Melty Blood - Type-Moon

READ ME.txt is including in the download files
Tags: gimmick marisa kirisame music
Comments: 15 (jump to comments)
5.0 (1 rating)
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Comments (15)

 Linkdeadx2 Pinned Link
If you played Super Marisa Adventure World you know what to expect here. The level design is very creative and fun but still brutally difficult. There are a lot of bugs and jank still but it feels like part of the charm. The difficulty is on another level with the star world, so just be prepared if you go there.
Daniel_mi_bb_fiu_fiu Link
When it is moderated I want to play it...
Shiki_Makiro Author Link
Originally posted by erpster2
thanks. but there was a ver 1.04d available in late September when I viewed your profile. what is the difference between the 1.02d and 1.04d versions?

Found something issue by myself after claimed for moderation, then optimized the fair of some star world levels.
cardboardcell Link
Game over freezes game and forces a reset. After the reset, exit count was set to zero and all progress wiped -- also for some reason the overworld changed completely and I was unable to move and stuck in the top left corner of the screen on a sky map ?

edit: I upgraded to 1.00d and was using an old SRAM, I went again and the game over didn't freeze this time after I selected a new game. will test the game over in the same level when I get back to it.

After testing again
game overing in the first castle's boo boss fight will freeze the game after game over fades to black. Once reset, the game wipes all progress up to that point and then places you in this submap which you can't move or enter anything. Forcing the player to select a new game file.
Shiki_Makiro Author Link
Alright... I found it's huge issue about "nofile.asm" patched, now downdated to ver. 1.00b to enable the normal SRAM:)
erpster2 Link
how to I view THE EXIT.txt file?
it shows garbled characters in the Notepad app on my computer running Windows
I cannot understand what is in that TXT file
Shiki_Makiro Author Link
It is possible that I used special symbols that are only used on the Asian(especially Japanese) Windows system.
Shiki_Makiro Author Link
Updated to ver. 1.04d, see the README.txt to get more information.
Thanks for  Linkdeadx2 and ASMagician Maks 's issus found and advices
erpster2 Link
thanks. but there was a ver 1.04d available in late September when I viewed your profile. what is the difference between the 1.02d and 1.04d versions?
SomeGuy712x From older version: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around (World-6 Demo) Link
Originally posted by Shiki_Makiro
yes, that gun will be unnecessary after silver P-switch was used, you might understand how to reach the further side and, a patch I used for the whole gameplay.

Oh, right! I completely overlooked that for some reason, after having gotten used to using the gun for the whole level up to that point. Thanks!
SomeGuy712x From older version: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around (World-6 Demo) Link
Is the level Recoiling Salsa in world 6 even possible to complete? In the second half of the level, it's necessary to hit a couple of P-switches at one point, but the silver P-switch transforms the player's gun into a coin, and the gun still appears to be necessary to complete the level. Is this maybe an oversight with the gimmick, and the gun isn't supposed to be affected by the silver P-switch?
Shiki_Makiro Author From older version: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around (World-6 Demo) Link
yes, that gun will be unnecessary after silver P-switch was used, you might understand how to reach the further side and, a patch I used for the whole gameplay.
SomeGuy712x From older version: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around (World-6 Demo) Link
Just started playing it with a friend on 2-player mode, and immediately found a graphical issue. On the overworld, the left half of player 2's graphic is missing, so you only see the right half of that character.

Also, in the tutorial rooms, the letter "B" looks just like the number "8". And, the grammar is iffy there and in your message box text too. Should I make suggestions for improving the grammar in all your messages?
OP-01 From older version: Super Marisa Adventure World 2 - Mari Mari Back Forward Around (World-6 Demo) Link
Very good,It is much better than the previous version, and bugs are also fixed.It's much better than the previous version, and the bugs are almost fixed.I hope to publish a complete version.I will always wait.