Name: | Super Mario World Mix Beta V1.2 |
Author: | Steven Atauchi C. |
Added: | |
Demo: | Yes |
Hall of Fame: | No |
Length: | 16 exit(s) |
Type: | Standard: Normal |
Description: | This Beta is an official sequel to the SMB3 mix hack by SouthBird. Now developed by me for SMW. This adventure brings us many Mario titles, both past and current adaptations, respecting the graphical style of Super Mario World. An adventure filled with a lot of new power ups that will give you a lot of fun in each level, bosses from different installments and beautiful graphics. This beta is a sample of all my work so far, so the world is open for you to explore freely, the hack is currently in Spanish, later there will be an English version, if you find a bug you can tell me so I can try to fix it. That's all, have fun! |
Tags: | asm beta v1 boss gfx graphics luigi mix music powerups sa-1 sprites variety |
Comments: | 11 (jump to comments) |
Rating: |
851.62 KiB | 2,046 downloads
Comments (11)
The Mario games callbacks are well done, the bosses feels fair and fun to play against.
Speaking of bossfights, Bowser may need something before the fight that stalls you from instakill him, i didnt quite see what he can do lol
I hope powerups to have some more utility on later releases given on what they can do like eg: being a requeriment for secret exits, maybe have some fun interactions, or maybe a little puzzle (idk if you thought of that, idk how much this does tax on what are your goals on this one, i dont develop hacks).
Im looking forward to play the full deal.
I already told you all this on spanish if im not mistaken xd, if you need translation on dialogues for the game i can help with that, and im all in for testing if you want me to'