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Song Title


    Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City

    SMW Music → Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City

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    Submission Details

    Name: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City
    Author: bebn legg
    Version History: View
    Insert Size: 0x0CE9 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: None
    Source: Port
    Duration: 0:40
    Featured: No
    Description: The iconic, funky music from Driftveil City that just makes you wanna leave your DS on for 3 hours while you're there and throw a dance party in your bedroom.

    [2024-10-20] UPDATE: Re-ported from scratch for Superfamicompo 6 to sound cleaner and more accurate. Also includes 3 options for the lead.
    Tags: industrial mountain overworld title town upbeat urban
    Comments: 12 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (3 ratings)
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    Comments (12)

    CubestudiosHacks0FF Link
    @5 is better
    THIS IS THE TOOTHLESS DANCE!!!! YIPEEEE!!!!!!!!!! i need skibidi dop dop ya ya
     Eevee Link

    Very good port :D
    Zavok Link
    Nice port! #smrpg{<3}
    reevebarusadar8 From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    I like this music because music now is viral on Instagram
    Arthurvi From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    Very cool music! I'll put her in my hack without question #tb{^V^}
    Ultima From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    Originally posted by bebn legg
    Actually, it's because I didn't have enough channels to include the cowbell. :P I would've used @12 for them. I was hesitating on which percussion part to cut when porting it, but I settled on the cowbell because it sounded less empty this way. As for the cymbals, they sounded pretty similar to a brush snare, so that's why I used a snare.

    Hmm, really huh; dunno how they'd sound like brush snares to me, but you do you I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I can forgive the cowbell tho at least, mainly due my experiences with porting DS music pretty much requiring to remove certain background instruments due to all the channels and the SNES not being able to handle everything without that, so it makes sense enough :P
     bebn legg Author From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    Originally posted by Ultima
    cymbals are missing, and also replaced with the snare for some reason (???), but yeah, not bad; this theme is one of my favorite Town themes in Pokemon (tho I still prefer the Gen 2 and 3 Town themes a lot more), and this is a pretty good version for sure :P

    EDIT: Ah yeah, cowbell is missing too; I know that wouldn't exactly be as easy to replicate in SMW's sound set, but honestly the cowbell is pretty much what makes this song the way it is, so I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't try to replicate it here

    Actually, it's because I didn't have enough channels to include the cowbell. :P I would've used @12 for them. I was hesitating on which percussion part to cut when porting it, but I settled on the cowbell because it sounded less empty this way. As for the cymbals, they sounded pretty similar to a brush snare, so that's why I used a snare.
    Ultima From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    cymbals are missing, and also replaced with the snare for some reason (???), but yeah, not bad; this theme is one of my favorite Town themes in Pokemon (tho I still prefer the Gen 2 and 3 Town themes a lot more), and this is a pretty good version for sure :P

    EDIT: Ah yeah, cowbell is missing too; I know that wouldn't exactly be as easy to replicate in SMW's sound set, but honestly the cowbell is pretty much what makes this song the way it is, so I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't try to replicate it here
    Arthurvi From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    OMG this port is so awesome, thankssss #tb{^V^}
    Eminus From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    super travail!
     bebn legg Author From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    Originally posted by Hooded Edge
    I am vibing to this right now!! This slaps so hard! Awesome job, Bebn! #smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3}


    That dancing lizard GIF is probably the best compliment I have ever received, haha. Thank you!
    Hooded Edge From older version: Pokémon Black/White - Driftveil City Link
    I am vibing to this right now!! This slaps so hard! Awesome job, Bebn! #smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3}