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Song Title


    Touhou Fuumaroku ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland - Forest of Tohno

    SMW Music → Touhou Fuumaroku ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland - Forest of Tohno

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    Submission Details

    Name: Touhou Fuumaroku ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland - Forest of Tohno
    Author: NovaDelta
    Insert Size: 0x03B9 bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: None
    Source: Port
    Duration: 1:09
    Featured: No
    Description: This is the ending theme to Touhou Fuumaroku ~ The Story of Eastern Wonderland.

    It's relatively calm, and fits the first two Touhou games somewhat more somber vibe compared to the rest of the PC-98 games.

    As such, I don't see it fitting anywhere but credits and maybe REALLY calm levels.
    I mostly just make these for fun, anywho.

    I don't know whether or not to consider this a remix. The first lead before the drums kick in use the shorter notes seen in the original song used in the game, while the lead afterwards use the longer notes seen in Yougakudan no Rekishi 3 ~ Akyu's Untouched Score to give it the opening a more quiet feeling and the rest of the song a more full feeling.

    I will consider it a port, though, until otherwise corrected.
    Tags: calm cutscene forest
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