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Song Title


    Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Course Clear

    SMW Music → Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Course Clear

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    Submission Details

    Name: Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Course Clear
    Author: EDIT3333
    Insert Size: 0x029A bytes
    Type: Misc.
    Sample Usage: None
    Source: Port
    Duration: 0:10
    Featured: No
    Description: Super Mario Bros. Wonder course clear theme.
    Edit: Some bugs have been fixed.

    1) Please mark "0F SMW @21.brr" as important by putting an exclamation point next to it in the Addmusic_sample groups.txt file prior to using this song as a global song. Percussion issues will occur otherwise.

    2) To be used as a stage clear song, the Custom Game Over and Time Up 16-bit Timer is recommended as this track ends a little abruptly due to length.
    Tags: goal misc
    Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
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    Comments (2)

    brickblock369 Link
    2) To be used as a stage clear song, the Custom Game Over and Time Up 16-bit Timer is recommended as this track ends a little abruptly due to length.

    How would that help the stage clear sequence? The patch solely mentions "Game Over" and "Time Up", which are unrelated.
     Archbishop Weeble-Wobble Link
    Made minor note changes to channel #7 and updated song size + duration.
    Try to make sure you're only using official tags for next time. #tb{:)}