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Jigoku Mario World 3

Super Mario World Hacks → Jigoku Mario World 3

Submission Details

Name: Jigoku Mario World 3
Author: Nowieso
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 25 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Expert
Description: Jigoku Mario World 3 is the final entry of the Jigoku series, a series that started 10 years ago. It features 25 exits of some of my hardest challenges of all time in a semi-open overworld that allows you to play the 4 main worlds in any order.

Regarding the difficulty, I am not holding back with this one. That doesn't mean that every level is as hard as possible, but that I'm not removing any setups just because they could be too hard for some people, which I've always done in my previous hacks.

Despite the very high difficulty, I hope you'll have a ton of fun playing it.

You can find Videos of the levels here:
Tags: asm bosses item tech less exgfx music precision sa-1 vanilla
Comments: 10 (jump to comments)
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Comments (10)

zLukaasPvPz Link
here comes a new challenge
reevebarusadar8 Link
The other hardest rom hack haven't a good graphic, background, and design of the level. But this hack have a great design, norwieso have a time to design the level like colour pallet, layer 1,2,3 background, this hack is great. (This hack also the hardest than Casio Mario World)
WoxicTaste Link
Na endlich
Connnnair Link
Yeah idk this one's pretty rough at the start but once you beat Kaizo Kindergarten I think you'll be ready for this one
revolug Link
big if true
reevebarusadar8 From older version: Jigoku Mario World 3 (Demo) Link
these will be a greatest and extreme kaizo hack
Donald1111 From older version: Jigoku Mario World 3 (Demo) Link
The chuck level was extremely tough lel
zLukaasPvPz From older version: Jigoku Mario World 3 (Demo) Link
there we go, after beating P86 i think im ready for this one but...

Not sure lmao
ageVerrly From older version: Jigoku Mario World 3 (Demo) Link
Nothing in this hack is vanilla. Every level relies on custom things. Things which really mess with the basics of how mario controls and interacts.
But it is really fun and among the hardest hacks I know. I love the chuck level especially.
Azula16 From older version: Jigoku Mario World 3 (Demo) Link
#smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3} #smrpg{<3}