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Banana's Quest

Super Mario World Hacks → Banana's Quest

Submission Details

Name: Banana's Quest
Author: BDgames2023
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 23 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Hard
Description: I'm back, I've been working on this hack for several months and I can finally publish it.

For those wondering about Banana is missing, don't worry, I'm still working on it, but in the meantime I'll leave you with this hack!

It all starts with Chawy watching TV and an advertisement comes out promoting a limited edition bird seed and Chawi looks interested. Since the store was far away, he goes to his friend Banana and asks him for the favor of going to buy him that bird seed (he was lazy). Banana, like a good friend, says yes. While Crystal Banana watches, Crystal Chawy tells him that he also wanted that birdseed, Crystal Banana at first says no but then decides to take it as an excuse to go destroy Banana.

He turns all the stores into castles and possesses Banana's friends, who now seek to destroy him. Can Banana beat Crystal Banana, free his friends and get the birdseed?

NOTE: This hack may have problems on some emulators, so I recommend using Snes9x to play it without problems...

Tags: asm bosses custom character exgfx hdma music non-mario traditional
Comments: 10 (jump to comments)
4.0 (2 ratings)
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Comments (10)

PepsiLover22 Link
good hack the story and the cutscenes were fun for me it is a miracle to see hacks where the protagonist is not mario
GoodShot Link

a good hack. Thank you for your efforts
Hammerer Link
This hack is so... banana
PepsiLover22 Link

nice screenshots probably give this one a try
ShirleyVAga From older version: Banana's Quest Link
Really neat little hack. Short but fun , looking forward to future projects of yours.
Only real issue I would say is the grammar/language otherwise the level "gear search" sure could
use a midpoint save before the boss since having to repeat everything each time you lose isnt reall all that fun.
BDgames2023 Author From older version: Banana's Quest Link
I have to update this again...#w{=|}
Only stupid people like me don't notice easy mistakes.#w{:s}
 blueribbonhighlife From older version: Banana's Quest Link
Moderated without issue. Fun hack!
 Ringo From older version: Banana's Quest Link
Had a good time with this overall. I think my only complaints are with "Gear Search" and how the difficulty suddenly spikes with that level, only to switch back to normal afterwards. I know that the player is often told to not fail the level, but finding a way to save your progress with it really would be welcome. My other complaint is that the Reznor statues in castle levels act as solid despite looking like background objects as they have coloring darker than the foreground where they're placed, and at the Supermarket some castle stone blocks that look solid are actually passable. The hack has good visual communication except for those instances.

BDgames2023 Author From older version: Banana's Quest Link
I'm glad you had a good time with my hack! I'll send a quick update to fix what you mentioned.#tb{^V^}
Enan63 From older version: Banana's Quest Link
Looks promising just downloaded this.