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Flat Rope Conveyor for All Headers

SMW Patches → Flat Rope Conveyor for All Headers

Submission Details


Comments (4)

 Fernap Link
Tested with:
- Lunar Magic 3.50
- SA-1 Pack 1.40
- Snes9x 1.62.3, Mesen 2
- Asar 1.91

- For users of this, note that tile 10D in the ghost house tile set is also affected by this patch as well as 10C. As far as I can tell, it's not actually used in any standard level objects, but it is potentially useful as the top edge of a larger-than-normal crate. If you want to use this, you'll need to make your own map16 tile with the same graphics set to act as something reasonable

- Removed the .bin file from the submission and adjusted the note in the file to reflect this, since as pointed out in the comments below, the source frames are already available in AN1.
- Moved the define for remapping the ghost house ledge to the top so it's less easy to miss as an option
- Added a bit to restore the original data if that option is turned off
Anas Link
Err, I don't think it's totally necessary to include a separate ExGFX for the rope ExAnimation considering you can already ExAnimate it from tiles 0x742, 0x752, 0x762, and 0x772 in 'GFX33.bin'.
 MarioFanGamer Link
For how simple it is (and doesn't use any sort of freespace), any reason this isn't submitted as a Tweak?
 Fernap Link
It maybe could be, but given that it requires a little extra explanation, and has an embedded option, I decided to err on the side of leaving it as a standalone patch.