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Super Mario World Hacks → Amazing

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Comments (9)

MagikNinja Link
Just as expected from Sweetdude. 10/10 absolutely loved this!
DinoMom Link
I'm a bit mixed on this one. On the one hand, the overworld puzzle is such a cleanly executed idea. I did end up breaking out lunar magic to help once the game asked me to
navigate a team rocket style warp pad puzzle
, which isn't really my kind of thing, but it was done very well. I also appreciated how the hack recontextualized the nightmare cafe-like experience into a dungeon exploration / puzzle game. The levels were also very well themed for each of the 7 areas. Each random encounter feels like it belongs in the part of the dungeon you find it.

Where the hack falls short for me is with the random encounters themselves. A lot of them are overtuned, and I think 20 mario seconds is way too long for these survival sections. Because of this, you end up spending more time with the random encounters than with exploring the dungeon or completing exits, which is unsatisfying to me.

The random encounters also have significant cheese: I came across an encounter that asks you to
avoid 4 boo lasers in a small area
, which encouraged me to put the game away for a while. When I came back, I was surprised to find that on game start, you have a handful of frames to walk away from the random encounter without having to complete it. After that point forward, I would just reset the console any time I got a random encounter, because they felt like they were wasting my time. This is a shame, because I do think they help sell the theming of each area. I think if this game were to have a 1.1 or a sequel, I would want to see if this cheese can be fixed, but I'd also suggest that you seriously rethink the difficulty and length of the random encounters.

As some parting words, I will say that I liked the theming in the pipe and bridge levels in the red zone. The gameplay in these levels rhymes nicely with what you are trying to achieve in that part of the puzzle, and that kind of coincidence (ludonarrative... harmony?) is always nice.
Fantastic hack. A nice new experience, and one any kaizo player can enjoy. It's truly Amazing.
PixelFhacks Link
Good fun Nice Hack men
kurb kid Link
The name comes of as sarcastic, as if the maker was displeased with the result. But it was a really cool fresh experience. I liked the survive the timer rooms a lot.

Many challenges seemed intermediate to me instead of beginner, but the bite-size makes up for that I guess.
BrandonBlank Link
Super cool, love the idea and would love to see it expanded even further
This hack is a shining example of how imagination and experimentation can bring something fresh to kaizo. Sweetdude's ideas are polished here, and players of all skillsets can enjoy these bite-sized challenges. I personally would love to see a sequel :O
kellykelster Link
I was a little hesitant to play because I wasn't sure about playing a maze hack but I trusted in sweetdude and booted it up, and couldn't put it down until I had 100% completion. super fun
 blueribbonhighlife Link
Moderated without issue. Very fun adventure, and a greater journey than the exit count might suggest