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Song Title


    Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (John Tay Alternative)

    SMW Music → Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (John Tay Alternative)

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    Submission Details

    Name: Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (John Tay Alternative)
    Author: its_4life
    Version History: View
    Insert Size: 0x0B3B bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Many
    Source: Port
    Duration: 2:31
    Featured: No
    Description: If your hack has long af levels, this is a must have.
    Fits best in deserts, lava caves, and maybe airships.

    Watch the original here. How accurate is my port? :P

    UPDATE: Fixed wrong bass notes

    NOTE: Incompatible with Thunder, Fireworks, Blarggs, and Bonus End SFX.
    Tags: airship castle desert fire ghost house jungle ruins swamp urban
    Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (1 rating)
    No rating
    Download 106.22 KiB | 203 downloads ▶   Play SPC

    Comments (2)

     Ahrion From older version: Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (John Tay Alternative) Link
    Acceptable. I made the following changes:

    To get a bit closer to the original, I recommend more dynamics in terms of volume, especially for channels #0, #1, and #2. Especially the part between 0:43 and 0:53 would benefit from it. Additionally, some of your pitch bendings are quite short, you could start them a bit earlier and let them last longer.
    Blizzard Buffalo From older version: Sonic 3 & Knuckles - Sandopolis Zone Act 1 (John Tay Alternative) Link
    Never thought a jam like this would be ported

    Great job!