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Super Mario World Hacks → Albatros

Submission Details

Name: Albatros
Author: kurtistrydiz
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 32 exit(s)
Type: Kaizo: Expert
Description: -This is mainly a slow fly vanilla capehack, with a couple modern kaizo element i assume and some kuso.

-Here is a list of things you will do through the hack and should be atleast somewhat familiar and comfortable with:

-Recover from "bad" turnaround
-Speed adjustment
-Item tossing
-Takeoff Meter
-Air Catch
-Sticky Fly
-Yossy Fly, w. tongue and tongueless
-Fast Dive

-Speed recognition
-Parity Swap
-Double Pumps
-Backward Pumps

-By no means need to have mastered any of this, but it will help you immensely through this hack if you are familiar with all these principals.
And maybe also some of the leves in this hack can be a good place to practice some of these disciplines....maybe.

-There will also be some glitch tech that will be required to beat the hack, and if you dont know what to do, ask a friend, or me.

-Besides from the hack; Learning To Fly, I strongly recommend that you atleast have a couple vanilla capehacks under your belt like; The Volpey`s Friend and 100 rooms of Kuso, before trying this hack out.
These hacks are perfect to get comfortable with vanilla cape mechanics, you can find those on

-This hack was made for blind RTA playthrough in mind, but if there are some sections that feels cryptic to you then just drop a save state and get a understanding for what the level asks from you instead of being stubborn about it, unless you want that experience offcourse.
As a big advocate of save states practice, they will only help you that much in this hack since the essence of vanilla slow fly cape is so much more based around reaction than anything.
And i promise there will be more scenarios than stars on the sky that a save state couldn`t prepare you for.

-There shouldn`t be any surprise for vanilla cape enthusiasts of old what the main inspiration for this hack is.

I hope you enjoy

Blue skies and tail-winds for you!
Tags: cape
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Comments (8)

IkeSMB Link
I had a great time with this hack all the way through! I enjoyed the wide variety of levels - it was really cool to see levels that went for a more flow-y kaizo approach that's (understandably) rarely done with vanilla cape. The ice sliding level, water rope level, and tall sticky fly level all stand out in that regard. I also appreciated how the overworld branches out in such a way that you hardly feel forced into tackling the harder levels. Absolutely a must-play for cape enthusiasts.
 shovda Link
Hello yes this was fun and only hurt me a little bit. :)
Kimota Link
From watching drkrdnk on Youtube, I gather that flips and schema are very highly experienced vanilla cape users. I came here to offer the perspective of someone who is fairly experienced, but hasn't put in hundreds of hours grinding out Pogyo hacks (although I have beaten a few chimney challenges in Volpey's Friend).

I'm 11 exits in to Albatros, and I'm finding it EXTREMELY hard. The player absolutely must have mastered vanilla cape tech (e.g. everything in Learning to Fly) to have a hope of beating these levels in a reasonable period of time. And I emphasize mastery. It's not good enough to merely be familiar with things like turn around recovery, 1 speed, parity swap, throwing items, etc, because the game requires you to do these things repeatedly over very long sections with hazards and projectiles constraining your movement. If you're not fully consistent with all of these techs, you will struggle badly. The level DeDusk took me 20 hours, longer than Dram's Butthole in 2019 when I was just learning the game, longer than Kaizo 3 Bowser, than Lexapro, than any level I've ever played. I saw on flips stream that it took them a matter of minutes, which is humbling but makes sense. If you've mastered this movement, then you won't have much trouble. But vanilla cape is not user friendly, and mastering it takes loads of experience.

I will likely come back to this, perhaps over the summer when I have more time, as the levels are creative and well-designed. The hack has already leveled up my skills massively. I just wanted to leave this comment now to share my experience and let people know what to expect if they're not at the peak level of vanilla cape gaming.
kurtistrydiz Author Link
Thank you for sharing your point of view of what to expect if you are on a learning curve.
kurtistrydiz Author Link
New 1.1 uploaded now and should work on previous sram.
Fixed softlock to potential hardlock, plus minor spawn issues
kurtistrydiz Author Link
There is a current softlock in the hack, with potential to actually make the game unbeatable in the level Yossy Basics. So please beware. I will come with an update pretty soon.

Thank you so much for kind words also(:
flips_bad Link
this is easily the cape hack of the year, i haven't had this much fun playing a hack in a while. it really fills the largely empty niche of a place to practice and improve on advanced vanilla cape skills, and you can feel the love and passion that went into making it. you should be really proud of what you've made, kurtis <3
schema_tuna Link
A fantastic hack that fills a void in tough-but-accessible vanilla cape hacks available on the site. I had a great time testing and would recommend this hack to anybody who's familiar with vanilla turnaround, yoshi fly, and flight item tosses, and wants to sharpen their skills further.