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Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic

Super Mario World Hacks → Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic

Submission Details

Name: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic
Authors: CircleFriendo, HamOfJustice, sio-kedelic
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 21 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Normal
Description: Welcome to Mario & Friends' new adventure! Play as Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Wario, and Waluigi, each with their own special jumps and physics! Try to save the day before Kamek can complete his plans to erupt the Volcano!

- Each character has their own jump physics and special A-button jump/input: Mario spin jumps, Luigi ground pounds, Peach floats, Daisy flutters, Wario dashes, and Waluigi boosts!
- Each level has unique switching rules, designated by the signs at the start of each level. Some levels are solo adventures, some are free switching with the L and R button, and some are controlled by Kamek's switching bars!

This hack is a 21-exit standard adventure designed and completed in about a month and a half for Hackjam 2024. The first M&F hack was created during Hackjam 2021 (see it here if you'd like to check it out), and we were able to use that baserom as the basis for a full-scale adventure this time around!

This one is also a bit more difficult than the first, but still aimed to be beatable by very casual players :)
Tags: m and f mario mario and friends new character standard
Comments: 12 (jump to comments)
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Comments (12)

MateusCarvalho590 Link
Nanashi Link
Very good fleshed out hack.
Amazing level design and music choice. The different palettes and movement options with the different characters are really engaging and fun.
Although I got a bit frustrated because of my bad gameplay #smw{@_@}
Only thing that I didn't like that much was the final boss. Great concept but overall the randomness of kamek and whacky hitbox was kinda frustrating. And the permanent changing characters encouraged me to not move and try to avoid the gimmick instead of interacting with it.

But overall 5/5 Stars for sure.
Be sure to check out my playthrough of you want :D -> Here <-
Vinki Link
Me pareció muy entrretenido e interesante. Cada personaje se siente distinto, no solo por sus mecánicas especiales, sino también por sus físicas (altura de salto, velocidad, innercia). Incluso jugar con mario no se siente obligado, puesto que sus niveles principales se sienten diferente a los del juego original. No tuve que usar casi ningun "save state" a pesar de no ser tan buen jugador, ya que
al final de cada mundo, antes de llegar al castillo, hay un nivel tipo "top secret level".
La curva de difiultad me pareció muy buena, aunque
me pareció muchísimo más fácil el 0-2 que el 0-1.
Se dispara radicalmente en el jefe final, pero por ser él, está justificado. Este es el primer hack rom de SMW que he jugado, así que no tengo cómo compararlo con otros, mas noto el cariño y trabajo de los desarrolladores en el proyecto. Gracias por brindarme esta mágnifica experiencia #smrpg{y}

MelloEmerald Link
Really enjoyed this hack!

I did play this on the SNES Mini and used the SNES controller that comes with it. The reason why I bring this up is because attempting to use the “A” button on certain characters is a bit finicky. Peach is the worst because I have to rely on holding the “Y” button to use her float optimally: had to use my index finger to hold the “A” button.

Finally, I can’t seem to reach the final boss because of one sequence in that level. I have to use Wario’s dash to then turn into Luigi to use is floatier jump to reach a high ledge. I can’t seem to pull it off: it seems that the ledge is just one tile too far at my greater attempts to reach it.
 blueribbonhighlife Link
This hack was so much fun! Very good adventure and level design, and should be beatable by almost any SMW player
rocksteadyDRIP Link
I loved this hack. Would love to see more like this.
PepsiLover22 From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
very nice I like how the level design fits very well with the mechanics of the characters and I especially liked the last level where you use all the characters good hack despite not having played the prequel
lo fang 123 From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
Even though it was short, I still had a lot of fun. Every level and mechanic I saw was interesting. Good job to the authors!
bradcomp From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
I had a great time playing this. A fun hack with an interesting mechanic that's used well, especially in the later levels. The characters didn't just have their own moves, but the entire physics was different depending on who you were playing as.

I especially liked the last level.
ShirleyVAga From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
nice hack that i haven't yet finished
are there differences to the hackjam version?
sio-kedelic Author From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
Thank you! There are no differences from the Hackjam entry, just getting around to finally uploading it :)
 DonWafle From older version: Mario & Friends in: Volcanic Panic Link
A very fun and original experience using Mario and his Friends, i like how every character is useful in a way or another and that the levels were build thinking on those abilities.

had a great time playing it, as always an impecable job from Sio, Ham and CircleFriendo