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Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest

Super Mario World Hacks → Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest

Submission Details

Name: Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest
Author: Big Brawler
Version History: View
Demo: No
Hall of Fame: No
Length: 46 exit(s)
Type: Standard: Hard
Description: While Melody is having Her own adventure, Kuromi takes a detour to unkown lands in order to beat Melody in exploring, but this is not going to be an easy task.

Have fun!

December 15 Updates:
-Fixed a few Line Guides that went under my nose
-Fixed some typos, not all
-"Nerfed" a few levels
-Added directional arrows to the Overworld
-Added more bugs to fix later :^)
Tags: music not mario original character traditional
Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
5.0 (2 ratings)
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Comments (6)

The_DuraNerd Link
I had a lot of fun with the game. I found the health system very interesting, with the possibility of getting upgrades that make the experience easier and give a greater sense of progression. I admit that I got used to the amount of hearts and I missed the mechanics in the next hack I picked up to play.

I must add that the ending made me laugh out loud.
fanfan21 Link
I played this before the update, and I finished all 46 exits, but I couldn't find a single health power up, No matter how hard I looked.
 BeeKaay From older version: Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest Link
Moderation notes:

- Some broken line guide graphics (author is aware from watching the moderation).
- In "Blackout in the Factory," this platform went left and despawned because I didn't immediately get on it. Fortunately you can save the run by bouncing on the saw, but it's tight.
- In my final fight with Bowser, he clipped into the ceiling then died. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but since it lets you win instead of softlocking you it's not a huge deal.

Personal thoughts:

- I think the red switch should be marked with more than 3.5-coin difficulty.
- I found the final level (10-coin difficulty) a lot easier than some others (e.g. "Bruce Castle S.A", "The Switch Gate"). Aside from difficulty being subjective to an extent, it also depends on how many hearts the player has. I always got them as soon as possible and so the levels where insta-death (falling into a pit or lava, or being crushed by a crusher) was the largest hazard were harder for me than levels where I took a lot of damage from enemies.
- I think the camera in the second half of "The Switch Gate" would have benefitted from being scrolled up or at least centered vertically since you're supposed to fly upward.
- Overall, ambitious and a lot of fun. You can tell a lot of work went into this, like your previous My Melody hack.
PepsiLover22 From older version: Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest Link
The coins at the beginning of the levels have a strange cut, it is not something that affects the playability of the game but it was something I wanted to point out
 Anorakun From older version: Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest Link
Level design was very engaging and the presentation of each level felt unique and music choice was very well done. Some levels are really difficult but nothing felt overwhelming or intimidating.

Just a thing I've found to be quite unusual:

- The line-guides in some levels have glitched graphics. I don't remember all the levels with them right now, but I remember the Red Switch Palace and the first frozen forest having them. Not sure if it's intentional.

With that said, I can easily recommend this hack for anyone looking for a good challenge. #smrpg{y}
Big Brawler Author From older version: Onegai My Melody - Detour Land Conquest Link
Strange, because I checked my version and found one single instance of glitched line guides, this one somehow went under my radar and noticed it after reading this