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Song Title


    Super Bomberman 5 - Old Worlds

    SMW Music → Super Bomberman 5 - Old Worlds

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    Comments (4)

    Vini2019huebr Link
    World 1: Peace Island. Levels: 1-1 to 1-15 all centered around Super Bomberman 1. Boss: Bomber Woof.
    World 2: Dastardly Bomber Airship. Levels: 2-1 to 2-15 all centered around Super Bomberman 2. Bosses: Dave Bomber, Gary Bomber
    World 3: Bomber Nebula. Levels: 3-1 to 3-15 all centered around Super Bomberman 3. Bosses: Pirate and Subordinate Bomber, Muscle Bomber
    World 4: Time Warp. Levels: 4-1 to 4-15 all centered around Super Bomberman 4. Bosses: Iron Mask Bomber, Baron Bombano, Plunder Bomber.
     Kevin Author Link
    zAce08xZ Link
    This is perfect! #smrpg{y}
    Zavok Link
    Nice port! This port is from C3 Summer 2021 #smrpg{<3}