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Song Title


    Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible

    SMW Music → Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible

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    Submission Details

    Name: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible
    Author: brickblock369
    Version History: View
    Insert Size: 0x09CE bytes
    Type: Song
    Sample Usage: Many
    Source: Port
    Duration: 2:27
    Featured: No
    Description: The Invincible from Fortress 2 Blue.
    @7 (Bonus End Fanfare) and Thunder/Blargg sample are omitted, so they will sound weird.

    UPDATE: Cleaned up some instrument samples and made minor adjustments to the music.
    Tags: airship castle industrial mountain tense
    Comments: 6 (jump to comments)
    5.0 (3 ratings)
    No rating
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    Comments (6)

    brickblock369 Author From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link
    Originally posted by Tamaki
    I looove this one! I had to lower the global volume, however, as it was a bit loud in-game, but other than that it's a superb port!

    Thanks! #tb{:j}
    Tamaki From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link
    I looove this one! I had to lower the global volume, however, as it was a bit loud in-game, but other than that it's a superb port!
     Daizo Dee Von From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link
    Sounds like a mix of At Doom's Gate and Metal Slug. Intense!
    brickblock369 Author From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link
    Originally posted by LucasMegaStriker
    It sounds a lot like Metal Slug. Good Job!

    LucasMegaStriker From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link
    It sounds a lot like Metal Slug. Good Job!
    Zavok From older version: Fortress 2 Blue - The Invincible Link