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Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES) - Mudrake Mayhem

SMW Graphics → Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES) - Mudrake Mayhem

Submission Details

Name: Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (SNES) - Mudrake Mayhem
Author: Anorakun
Version History: View
Type: Ripped
Purpose: Background
Slots Used: BG1, BG2
Palette Row(s) Used: 0
Description: The background from the third level of Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow. A good fit for swamps, in general.

UPDATE: Massive GFX optimization, palette has been reallocated and now includes the entire background. Due to the entire background being there, now it uses two map 16 pages, instead of one.
Tags: night swamp
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