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Trials of Mana - Dark Castle (Exterior)

SMW Graphics → Trials of Mana - Dark Castle (Exterior)

Submission Details

Name: Trials of Mana - Dark Castle (Exterior)
Author: Anorakun
Version History: View
Type: Ripped
Purpose: Background
Slots Used: BG1, BG2, BG3
Palette Row(s) Used: 0, 3
Description: The Dark Castle exterior background from Trials of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 3. A good fit for levels nearby castles, in general. The GFX space is roughly 109 tiles, meaning there's a lot of free space in the BG3 slot.

UPDATE: Better palette row allocation, while keeping fidelity to the source material.
Tags: castle haunted mountain
Comments: 2 (jump to comments)
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Comments (2)

Connnnair From older version: Trials of Mana - Dark Castle (Exterior) Link
I love this
 Teyla From older version: Trials of Mana - Dark Castle (Exterior) Link
Those Trials of Mana BGs are super palette hungry aren't they?

This would look pretty good with a parallax effect on the clouds, or maybe modified to allow a layer 3 BG behind the castle/cliffs.