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Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins

SMW Graphics → Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins

Submission Details

Name: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins
Author: Anorakun
Version History: View
Type: Ripped
Purpose: Background
Slots Used: BG1, BG2
Palette Row(s) Used: 1
Description: The background of the first stage from Gunstar Heroes. Uses a whole map 16 page and a small fraction of another one. To expand this background, please use the sky part to do so.

A good fit for jungle or forest levels.

UPDATE: Tilemap is more accurate to the source material. GFX and palette optimizations, in general.
Tags: forest jungle
Comments: 5 (jump to comments)
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Comments (5)

ScatmanJones49 From older version: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins Link
I cut out the bottom two rows and extended the sky on top and it worked out pretty well
 Anorakun Author From older version: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins Link

Here is how it looks in the original game.
 Anorakun Author From older version: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins Link
Originally posted by semiblind
That line across the bottom section is quite awkward, and i was not able to get it to line up right... almost like its missing a line (or 2) of graphics. The sky is also a bit pixilated in comparison to the grassy area.

It's a Genesis game. The sky is pixelated like how the water of SMW layer 3 tides are translucent. Also, Genesis uses graphical tricks like that to enhance their visuals when displaying stuff in CRT televisors. And this background is huge, I ripped half of it.
semiblind From older version: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins Link
That line across the bottom section is quite awkward, and i was not able to get it to line up right... almost like its missing a line (or 2) of graphics. The sky is also a bit pixilated in comparison to the grassy area.
 Teyla From older version: Gunstar Heroes - Ancient Ruins Link
That shear is a little bit weird, but I can see why it's there considering the perspective in the original game. Overall I think it's fine though.

With a bit of editing I think this could make a pretty good background with some extra layer 3 if you removed the clouds.